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Hemlock Bay

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Hemlock Bay 在線電子書 圖書描述

From Publishers Weekly FBI agents Dillon and Lacey Sherlock Savich return (The Maze, etc.) in Coulter's latest romance thriller to take down the satanic child-killing Tuttle twins in a Maryland barn before rushing off to California to save Dillon's sister, Lily, from her in-laws. Once an accomplished cartoonist, Lily has battled depression since the death of her daughter despite, or perhaps because of, her husband, a psychiatrist more devoted to Lily's inheritance (her famous grandmother's paintings) than to Lily. After Dillon's friend, debonair art broker Simon Russo, reveals that four of the paintings are forgeries, Lily finds herself hypnotized, mugged, caught in a fire, chased onto a cliff and kidnapped as she and Simon fly from Washington to California to Sweden. Coulter creates such vivid characters and fast-moving plotlines that fans of her almost 50 novels will overlook her occasional leaps of logic (tiny Lily defeats a mugger with a few quick karate chops) and boilerplate dialogue (" `A young guy tried to murder me this morning.' `What? Oh, God, no!' "). In return, she spices up her story with a dash of gothic horror, a splash of romance and a steady determination not to take herself or her genres too seriously. When Lily is forced to don a chic Art Deco dress while imprisoned in a castle so she can be married against her will to a blind villain in a wheelchair, what's a reader to do but guess how long it will take the hero to climb out of the fjord to save her and calculate just how long it will take this cop confection to become a bestseller. (Aug.)Forecast: Coulter's genre-blending habits don't faze her loyal fans. Earlier Dillon and Lacey Sherlock adventures were all bestsellers, and most likely this one will be, too. Audio rights to Brilliance.Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. From Booklist FBI special agent Dillon Savich rescues two boys who were about to be dismembered by the Warlocks, a sibling pair of psychotic serial killers, in an eerie X-Files-type encounter. Killing Tommy and shooting off Timmy's arm, Dillon discovers that Timmy is really Tammy. Assuming that the case is closed, he and his wife, Sherlock, also an FBI agent, head home, where they get a phone call informing them that Dillon's sister, Lily, is in the hospital. Lily insists that her car crash was not a second attempt to take her life in the wake of the death of her six-year-old daughter. Dillon investigates and uncovers a possible motive for murder: Lily's husband and/or in-laws would have benefited from her death since she inherited some paintings worth millions of dollars. Dillon calls in his art expert friend, Simon, who discovers that half the paintings have been stolen and replaced with forgeries. Lily finds a friend and soulmate in Simon as they face danger in their quest for the paintings and the thieves. Meanwhile one-armed Tammy has escaped custody, and Dillon may be the only one who can stop her from killing again. Coulter's romantic suspense/thrillers, excellent beach reads, have a loyal following, and readers will applaud Sherlock and Savich as they make their sixth appearance. Diana Tixier HeraldCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved See all Editorial Reviews

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