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The Purification Ceremony

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The Purification Ceremony 在线电子书 图书描述 Native American Diana Jackman learned to track deer as a child from her shaman father. To shake off the depression of his recent suicide, Diana leads a group of rich hunters on a trip into British Columbia after whitetail deer--only to discover that someone is hunting the hunters. When two members of the group are killed and gutted, it's up to Diana to use her skills and her anger to track down a crafty, crazed murderer. Mark Sullivan's descriptions of the stark landscape and the details of the hunt add greatly to the book's growing terror. His past thrillers, The Fall Lineand Hard News, are available in paperback. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal Diana Jackson, also known as Little Crow, is a deer hunter, trained in the Native American ways of tracking by her parents and great uncle. She is also a shaman, in tune with the spirits that inhabit the forest. After a series of tragic events, she denies her spirituality yet can't fully devote herself to a domestic life. Distraught and estranged from her family, she joins a commercial deer hunt on a vast estate in British Columbia. Soon she and the other hunters are stalked by a beastlike killer bent on destroying them all; Little Crow must become one with the creatures of the forest to save her companions, perhaps at the price of her own sanity. While the outcome of the story is predictable, Little Crow's voice?weary, pain-filled, and, finally, at peace?is compelling. In her, Sullivan (Hard News, Kensington, 1995) has created a unique character who should be heard from again. Recommended.?Laurel A. Wilson, Alexandrian P.L, Mount Vernon, Ind.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. See all Editorial Reviews

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