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Bachelor Blues

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Bachelor Blues 在線電子書 圖書描述

For Graham,<br > You are a true blessing!<br > I love you more than you will ever know.<br > Acl~owledgments<br >Thanks r~rothY1 1 love brainstorming with you!l!<br >, Christe:l~erry, thank you for your generosity of spirit.<br >0-373-25863-1<br >~ELOR BLUES<br >right ~ 2000 by Leanna Ellis.<br > for use in any review, the reproduction or<br >hts reserved. Ex..copt ~,rm by any electron. .m,<br >,.on of =is .on ,n ~o,eo~ ~,;re~~er inventad, inaod,ng<br >=aniC~al or other means, now re,u,,,, v<br >iraphy photoCopying and recording, or n any information storage<br >Meval system is forb dden without the written permission of the<br >shar, Hadequin EnterpdseS Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road,<br >Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9.<br > ~ ~ imagination of<br >~aracters in this book have no extstence outside the the same<br > relation whatsoever to anyone bearing<br >tuthor and have no distantty inspired by any individual<br >e or names.They are not even<br >vn or unknown to the author, and all inoidents are pure invention.<br > edition published by arrangement with Harlequin BookS S.A.<br >nd TM are trademarks of the publisher. Trademarks indicated with<br > r lstered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the<br >re eg ~ ^-- -nd in other countries.<br >ladlan Trade MarKS omce<br >,it us at<br >inted In U.S.A.<br > "Soul MATES?" Jessie Hart gave a disbe]<br > of her head. "Isn t that too lofty a promi~<br > tomers?"<br > Jack, her twin brother, propped his bm<br > new receptionist s desk that had been d<br > lier that day. The frayed ends of his jeans<br > his lean brown ankles. He gave a sly grt<br > kind that had attracted women from all w<br > amused Jessie to watch women chase afte<br > perately as they chased down bargains<br >was something she d never do.<br > "If we re going to do this," Jack said,"<br > it right. I don t want a run-of-the-mill dat~<br > "How can we offer to find someone s<br > The thought of soul mates and a life-long c<br > made her insides shift uncomfortably. "I d<br > be a pessimist, but what if someone s sol<br >one of our customers? I think that s a pret<br >to fill."<br > "Give me some credit." He propped hi<br >hind his head. " I hooked up Rachel and (<br >I?"<br > Rachel Simmons had dated Jack when<br >college. Instead of dumping her when she<br >a commitment, he found someone more t(<br ><br >

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