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Complete Guide to Hypnosis

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What Is Hypnosis ?<br >hypnosis? That is a very difficult question to<br >we know a good deal about hypnosis, there is<br >ich we do not know. We can describe it, but no<br >:ome up with a theory which will fit in every<br >)art of the difficulty is that there is such a great<br >ween a light state of hypnosis and a deep one.<br >y surprise you to know that you ve been<br >d spontaneously hundreds or even thousands of<br >gh these spontaneous states are not ordinarily<br >~nosis, that is just what they are. These<br >rates occur probably every day of our lives. Do<br >dream? Everyone does. It s a state of hypnom.<br >:ome absorbed in anything - reading a book, in<br >L a hobby - you slip into hypnosis. There are<br > situations where self-hypnosis develops<br > - an interesting lecture, motion picture,<br >,gram, or religious ceremony can bring on<br >4<br >What Is Hypnosis?<br > Have you ever watched a TV progra~<br > people dancing to rock and roll music? If you<br > dancers, most of them are in hypnosis. There i<br >lack of expression on their faces and they do no<br >is not too surprising if it is realized that pries1<br >doctors of all primitive races use hypnosis and il<br >rhythm- chanting, dancing, and music, parti<br >drum beats. These are all conducive to hypnosis.<br > Almost anyone who has not experiencec<br >who has not read a book about it or heard s<br >about it will have many misconceptions, and m~<br >hypnotized. It is really rather strange that th,<br >misconceptions or ideas persist when modern 1<br >been known for some two hundred years.<br > The most common mistaken idea is that<br >person will pass out and be unconscious. This ne<br >even in the very deepest stages. There is alway<br >People often believe they will be in the pc<br >hypnotist and would have to do anything they,<br >do. Willpower is not lost. No one will do<br >hypnosis which is contrary to his moral code. Tt<br >is true, or there would be frequent bad reports of<br >by hypnotized subjects. It is not hard to le<br >hypnotize, and there are many unscrupulous p~<br >world. They would certainly find hypnosis mo:<br >people could be put under their control. Suggesti<br >a subject are censored both consciously and sub<br > A subject will sometimes ask the opeJ<br >would happen if you died while I was hypnotized?<br >you could not awaken me?" It is a very rar~<br >anyone to fail to come out of hypnosis when tolt<br ><br >

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