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urchased this book without a cover you should be aware<br >book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and<br >~1" m the publisher, and neither the author nor the<br >;r has received any payment for this "stripped book."<br >3-12048-6<br >~ VERDICT<br >D American Publication 1999<br >O 1999 by Cathy Williams.<br >mrved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or<br >this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic,<br >or other means, new known or hereafter invented, including<br >photocopying and recording, or in any information storage<br >~/stem, is forbidden without the written permission of the<br >arlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road,<br >mtario, Canada M3B 3K9.<br >rs in this book have no existence outside the imagination of<br >nd have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same<br >nes. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual<br >~mwn to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.<br >:)ublished by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.<br >e beden~rks of the publisher. Trademarks indicated with<br >reed in b"m United States Patent and Trademark Office, the<br >vJe Marks Office and in other countdes.<br >)n-line at:<br >CHAPTER ONE<br > THE big boss wants to see you. <br > Jessica looked at the petite, blonde secretary she shared<br >with her boss, Robert Grange, and grinned.<br > Has anyone told you that you re wasted as a secretary,<br >Millie? You have a special talent for making the most in-<br >nocuous statements sound dramatic. Really, you need to be<br >in a TV soap. She rested her briefcase on the ground next<br >to her and began riffling through the post, sifting out bits,<br >leaving some for her secretary to open. That tax infor-<br >marion I need still hasn t come through, she said distract-<br >edly, ripping open an envelope and glancing through the<br >c2intents. Why can t people get their act together? I asked<br >for that information two days ago. <br > ~ess, her secretary said, you re not hearing me. You ve<br >been summoned! You need to get your skates on and not<br >stand there flicking through the mail! <br > Jessica looked up from what she was doing and frowned.<br > I m due to see Robert in fifteen minutes time, she said.<br > What s the problem? <br > The problem is, Millie told her in a long-suffering<br >voice, you re thinking of the wrong big boss. Bruno Can"<br >is in your office waiting for you. <br > Bruno Carr? She glanced along the corridor. what<br >does Bruno Carl" want with me? She had been working at<br >BC Holdings for nine months, and during that time she had<br >not once laid eyes on the legendary Bruno Carr. BC<br >Holdings was just one of a multitude of companies he<br >owned. His headquarters were in the City somewhere, and<br ><br >

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