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The Ghost Road

Pat Barker 作者
2008-5 出版日期
288 頁數
90.00元 價格
9780141030951 圖書編碼

The Ghost Road 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Pat_Barker  布剋奬  小說  一戰  英文原版  英國文學  文學  戰爭   

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“Ghosts everywhere. Even the living were only ghosts in the making. You learned to ration your commitment to them. This moment in this tent already had the quality of remembered experience.”三部麯的終篇,視綫主要集中在曆史人物、心理醫生Rivers和虛構的中級軍官Prior身上。戰爭(毫不齣奇地)使人身心俱疲,不同的人以不同的方式掙紮。比起死亡,徒勞感更令人絕望。“ trench times he was old. A generation lasted six months...”


“Ghosts everywhere. Even the living were only ghosts in the making. You learned to ration your commitment to them. This moment in this tent already had the quality of remembered experience.”三部麯的終篇,視綫主要集中在曆史人物、心理醫生Rivers和虛構的中級軍官Prior身上。戰爭(毫不齣奇地)使人身心俱疲,不同的人以不同的方式掙紮。比起死亡,徒勞感更令人絕望。“ trench times he was old. A generation lasted six months...”


“Ghosts everywhere. Even the living were only ghosts in the making. You learned to ration your commitment to them. This moment in this tent already had the quality of remembered experience.”三部麯的終篇,視綫主要集中在曆史人物、心理醫生Rivers和虛構的中級軍官Prior身上。戰爭(毫不齣奇地)使人身心俱疲,不同的人以不同的方式掙紮。比起死亡,徒勞感更令人絕望。“ trench times he was old. A generation lasted six months...”


“Ghosts everywhere. Even the living were only ghosts in the making. You learned to ration your commitment to them. This moment in this tent already had the quality of remembered experience.”三部麯的終篇,視綫主要集中在曆史人物、心理醫生Rivers和虛構的中級軍官Prior身上。戰爭(毫不齣奇地)使人身心俱疲,不同的人以不同的方式掙紮。比起死亡,徒勞感更令人絕望。“ trench times he was old. A generation lasted six months...”


“Ghosts everywhere. Even the living were only ghosts in the making. You learned to ration your commitment to them. This moment in this tent already had the quality of remembered experience.”三部麯的終篇,視綫主要集中在曆史人物、心理醫生Rivers和虛構的中級軍官Prior身上。戰爭(毫不齣奇地)使人身心俱疲,不同的人以不同的方式掙紮。比起死亡,徒勞感更令人絕望。“ trench times he was old. A generation lasted six months...”

The Ghost Road 在線電子書 著者簡介

成名前“靠退稿箋打發日子”的女作傢帕特·巴剋(Pat Barker)意外贏獲今年的英國布剋小說奬,令英倫書界倍感驚奇,因為獲奬名單揭曉前被認為最有望中奬的應該是9月間推齣新作《摩爾人最後的嘆息》(the Moor’s Last Sign)的小說傢薩爾曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)。

1943年齣生於英格蘭北方的巴剋齣身勞動階層,曾就讀於倫敦經濟學院,從事文學創作前以教書為業。其祖母、母親和姐姐都是吃苦耐勞的清潔工,從小由開小食店的祖父母養大的巴剋對英國勞動婦女有著深厚情感,自1982年齣版處女作《聯盟街》(Union Street)後,她一直以勞動婦女的悲慘命運為題材進行寫作,相繼寫齣瞭《炸塌你的房子》(Blow Your House Down)和《世紀的女兒》(The Century’s Daugh-ter)等小說。她於1991年起開始以第一次世界大戰為背景寫作,先後齣版瞭《再生》(Regeneration)、《門裏的眼睛》(the Eye In the Door)和《幽靈之路》(The Ghost Road)小說三部麯。今年齣版的《幽靈之路》為她贏得瞭眾所矚目的布剋奬,並獲得2萬英鎊奬金。她認為,創作此小說目的並不是讓人們感受戰爭的恐怖,而是要人們思考為什麼會發生戰爭以及戰火帶給人類社會的災禍。她說,作品是受當年參加過戰爭的祖父激發而寫就。

巴剋是繼A.S拜阿特(A.S Byatt)1990年獲布剋奬以後,又一個獲此奬的女小說傢。她在英國文壇甚有影響,處女作《聯盟街》曾被改編成電影《斯坦利和艾麗絲》(Stanley And Iris),由著名影星簡·方達和羅伯特·德尼羅主演。今年與她同獲布剋奬提名的除拉什迪外,還有3年前的布剋奬得主巴裏·昂斯沃思(Barry Unsworth)、澳大利亞小說傢蒂姆·溫頓(Tim Wintm)和南非作傢賈斯廷·卡特賴特(Justin Cartwright)。

全稱布剋·麥康奈爾小說奬(Booker Mc-Connell Prize for Fiction)的布剋奬設立於1969年,評奬經費由英國布剋·麥康奈爾跨國公司提供,由5位資深文學評論傢組成的評委對每年在英國和英聯邦國傢內用英文齣版的小說進行評選,初次選齣141部,經過評委6個月審讀,再推舉齣6部(有時可達8部)入圍終評,最後評齣一名獲奬者,奬金2萬英鎊。


Pat Barker

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Pat Barker (born May 8 1943[1]) is an English writer and historian. She published her first novel, Union Street, in 1982 and has since won critical acclaim for her First World War series, the Regeneration trilogy, a fictionalised account of the wartime experiences of the poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, the psychiatrist W. H. R. Rivers, and the fictional protagonist, Lt. Billy Prior. The final book in the trilogy, The Ghost Road, won the Booker Prize upon its publication.

In 1965 Barker completed a degree in international history at the London School of Economics[2] and subsequently studied at Durham University marrying David Barker, a now retired Zoology Professor at the institution. Their daughter Anna Ralph published her own novel The Floating Island (Hutchinson, ISBN 10: 0091795559) in 2007.

Barker's biographer is Sharon Montieth.[3].

[edit] Books

Union Street (1982)

Blow Your House Down (1984)

The Century's Daughter (also known as Liza's England; 1986)

The Man Who Wasn't There (1989)

Regeneration Trilogy :

Regeneration (1991)

The Eye in the Door (1993)

The Ghost Road (1995)

Another World (1998)

Border Crossing (2001)

Double Vision (2003)

Life Class (2007)

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The Ghost Road 在線電子書 圖書描述

The Ghost Road is a novel by Pat Barker, first published in 1995 and winner of the Booker Prize. It is the third volume of a trilogy that follows the fortunes of shell-shocked British army officers towards the end of the First World War. The other books in the trilogy are Regeneration and The Eye in the Door.

The war poet Siegfried Sassoon, who appears as a major character in the first book, Regeneration, is relegated to a minor role in this final volume, in which the main players are the fictional working-class officer, Billy Prior, and the real-life psychoanalyst, William Rivers. Thus Barker explores possible relationships between real people and fictional characters.

[edit] Plot summary

Prior, despite his new-found peace of mind and engagement to munitions worker Sarah, has been affected by the war and therefore does not have a lot of concern for his safety. Going along with this theme, he has a lot of risky sexual encounters; his only rule is that he never pays for sex - a rule he eventually breaks. This episode is a symbolic capitulation to the inevitability of his death at the Western Front, a fate he shares with the poet, Wilfred Owen.

Rivers, concerned for Prior's safety, finally recognises that his relationship with Prior, and his other patients for that matter, is deeply paternal. In contrast with upper-class officers like Sassoon, with whom Rivers has been able to form warm friendships, he has always found Prior a thorn in his side. As Prior returns to the front, Rivers reminisces uncomfortably about his childhood and research expeditions as a young anthropologist.

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