Meltdown 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024


Thomas E. Woods Jr. 作者
Regnery Publishing
2009-2-9 出版日期
194 页数
USD 27.95 价格
9781596985872 图书编码

Meltdown 在线电子书 图书标签: 经济学  金融  自由主义  Economics  英文  经济史/科学史/技术史  经济  社会科学_人类与经济   

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Meltdown 在线电子书 用户评价


2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.


2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.


2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.


2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.


2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.

Meltdown 在线电子书 著者简介

托马斯•伍兹是路德维希•冯•米塞斯研究院(位于阿拉巴马州奥本市)的高级研究员。他有9本著作问世,其中包括与Kevin R. C. Gutzman合著的《谁杀了宪法?:一次世界大战到小布什政府期间美国自由之命运》(Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty from World War Ⅰto George W. Bush),以及《纽约时报》畅销书《美国历史之政治不正确指南》(The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History )。

伍兹靠《教会与市场:天主教庇护下的自由经济》(The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy)一书获得了2006年泰普利顿企业奖(Templeton Enterprise Awards)金奖。

Meltdown 在线电子书 图书目录

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Meltdown 在线电子书 图书描述

If you are fed up with Washington boondoggles, and you like the small-government, politically-incorrect thinking of Ron Paul, then you'll love Tom Woods's Meltdown . In clear, no-nonsense terms, Woods explains what led up to this economic crisis, who's really to blame, and why government bailouts won't work. Woods will reveal: * Which brave few economists predicted the economic fallout--and why nobody listened

* What really caused the collapse

* Why the Fed--not taxpayers--should have to answer for the current economic crisis

* Why bailouts are band-aids that will only provide temporary relief and ultimately make things worse

* What we should do instead, to put our economy on a healthy path to recovery With a foreword from Ron Paul, Meltdown is the free-market answer to the Fed-created economic crisis. As the new Obama administration inevitably calls for more regulations, Woods argues that the only way to rebuild our economy is by returning to the fundamentals of capitalism and letting the free market work.

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Meltdown 在线电子书 读后感




很高兴看到这本书,因为其的确以一个完全不同的视角审视金融危机。 记得美国金融危机刚刚爆发时,国内各派学者就开始站出来表达自己的观点,无论是搞马克思主义(注意:是中国特色的),还是搞宏观经济学的,甚至是搞社会学的。如果用一句话归纳他们的毫无数据支撑的...  





由于开展一个专题研究,无意在以关键词为搜索的书单列表中出现了《清算谎言经济学》和《大清算》两本书。 作为辅助阅读,本来也没打算投入太多的时间。 初读以后,自认水平有限,不知是文字翻译转换还是本身专业性太强的缘故。通篇磕磕绊绊,云里雾里,不知所云。 据此也罢...  

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