The Photographer 在线电子书 图书标签: 摄影 漫画 photography 非虚构漫画 攝影集 历史 阿富汗 视觉
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评分1- what takes unimaginable amount of courage for some of us to adventure into for 3 months, is what millions of people had to endure every day. 2- I am actually more intrigued to hear these stories from these MSF doctors’ recollection.
评分1- what takes unimaginable amount of courage for some of us to adventure into for 3 months, is what millions of people had to endure every day. 2- I am actually more intrigued to hear these stories from these MSF doctors’ recollection.
Emmanuel Guibert's most recent book for First Second was the critically acclaimed Alan's War, the memoir of a WWII G.I. His close friendship with Didier Lefevre inspired him to combine art and photography to create this momentous book.
In 1986, Afghanistan was torn apart by a war with the Soviet Union. This graphic novel/photo-journal is a record of one reporter’s arduous and dangerous journey through Afghanistan, accompanying the Doctors Without Borders. Didier Lefevre’s photography, paired with the art of Emmanuel Guibert, tells the powerful story of a mission undertaken by men and women dedicated to mending the wounds of war.
我们期望和平的世界,我们生活在和平的年代,就在不远的阿富汗,还有我们无数的兄弟姐妹正在战争的摧残下,过着民不聊生的日子,吃不饱,穿不暖,还得时不时地提防着上空的飞机,生命没有任何保障,随时都可能化为云烟。 这是一个真实的故事,故事发生在1986年,在冷战时期苏联...
评分毫不夸张的说,这是一本捧在手里五分钟,便打算推荐给所有人的书。 你很难找到合适的言语形容它。这首先当然是一本漫画书,由《阿兰的战争》作者吉贝尔编绘,男主角迪迪埃口述完成。但迪迪埃身为一名摄影师,又把他拍摄的大量珍贵黑白胶片影像,放在了吉贝尔的漫画旁。因此,...
评分 评分小时候因为看了《情深深雨蒙蒙》就异常地想成为一个战地记者。但是这个想法在我高中的时候就没再坚持了。书还没看完童年的回忆就被勾起了,小时候真的很单纯,还不知道死亡的沉重,还不知道什么叫从容就义,对战地记者这个职业没有一点认识只知道如果能为人类献出自己的微薄之...
评分摄影是一门减法的艺术,镜头穿过繁杂的世界捕捉艺术。摄影与绘画不同,画作一笔一划的勾勒是画家表达内心,在心中制作,然后表达出来;摄影的艺术在于世界,捕捉到美好的瞬间和角度,人性的美丑,用那一瞬间的现实画面制造现实之美、世界之美。 “摄影穷三代、单反毁一生。”19...
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