The Science of Psychology 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學 教科書
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[美] 勞拉•金(Laura A. King)
勞拉•金在美國凱尼恩學院接受本科教育,主修英語專業。在大學三年級的第二個學期她選修瞭心理學作為第二專業。1986 年,她以優異的成績和榮譽獲得英文學士學位,並以齣色的成績獲得心理學學士學位。隨後,勞拉在密歇根州立大學和加州大學戴維斯分校攻讀研究生課程,並於1991 年獲得人格心理學的博士學位。
勞拉最初就職於達拉斯的南衛理公會大學,2001 年轉入密蘇裏大學哥倫比亞分校,現任教授。她除瞭開設性格發展研討課、社會心理學和人格心理學研討課,也教授本科課程,包括心理學導論、人格心理學和社會心理學導論。在密蘇裏大學,她獲得6項教學奬,包括1999 年的持續優異奬;2004 年由於傑齣研究和創造性活動她獲得大學校長奬。
在研究方麵,她獲得美國國傢心理健康研究所的研究基金,主要關注與幸福生活相關的研究主題。她從事過的研究包括目標、生活故事、幸福、安適滿意度和人生意義。總之,她的研究反映齣她對那些對人們有益的和健康的內容錶現齣瞭持續的興趣。2001 年,她的研究成果獲得瞭積極心理學的坦普頓奬(Templeton Prize)。勞拉的研究(通常是與本科生和研究生的閤作)曾發錶在《人格與社會心理學》雜誌、《人格與社會心理學》期刊、《認知、情緒與人格》雜誌以及其他刊物上。一篇關於後悔對成熟的作用的新論文即將在《美國心理學傢》雜誌上發錶。勞拉現在是《人格研究》雜誌的主編,同時也是《人格與社會心理學》期刊和《人格與社會心理學》雜誌以及眾多研究基金會的副主編。
Why Things Go Right. The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View by Laura King (University of Missouri at Columbia) is the first text to bring a truly appreciative view of psychology--as a science and for exploring behavior--to introductory students. It is built around the idea that students must study the discipline of psychology as a whole, that the sub-disciplines are intricately connected, and that human behavior is best understood by exploring its functioning state in addition to its potential dysfunctions. For example, imagine that you have been asked to create a science of "watchology." You have two watches that both have had the unfortunate "trauma" of being left in the pocket of someone's jeans through the washer and dryer. One watch has suffered the worst possible fate--it no longer tells time. The other has emerged from the traumatic event still ticking. Which watch would you use to develop your new science of watchology? Clearly, the working watch will help you understand watches better than the broken one. What does watchology have to do with psychology? Quite simply, in psychology as in watchology, it makes sense to start with what works: to gain a general understanding of human behavior and then apply that knowledge to those who have emerged from life's experiences in dysfunction.
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