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The Berlin Wall

Frederick Taylor 作者
Harper Perennial
2008-06-01 出版日期
528 頁數
USD 15.95 價格
9780060786144 圖書編碼

The Berlin Wall 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 曆史  政治  德國  TheBerlinWall  1989  柏林牆  History  柏林   

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The Berlin Wall 在線電子書 用戶評價


the theft of hope


the theft of hope




no myth...



The Berlin Wall 在線電子書 著者簡介

Frederick Taylor is a British novelist and historian specialising in modern German history.

He was educated at Aylesbury Grammar School and read History and Modern Languages at Oxford University. He did postgraduate work at Sussex University on the rise of the extreme right in Germany in the early twentieth century. Before embarking on the series of historical monographs for which he is best known, he translated The Goebbels Diaries 1939–1941 into English and wrote novels set in Germany.

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The Berlin Wall 在線電子書 圖書描述

On the morning of August 13, 1961, the residents of East Berlin found themselves cut off from family, friends and jobs in the West by a tangle of barbed wire that ruthlessly cut a city of four million in two. Within days the barbed-wire entanglement would undergo an extraordinary metamorphosis: it became an imposing 103-mile-long wall guarded by three hundred watchtowers. A physical manifestation of the struggle between Soviet Communism and American capitalism—totalitarianism and freedom—that would stand for nearly thirty years, the Berlin Wall was the high-risk fault line between East and West on which rested the fate of all humanity. Many brave people risked their lives to overcome this lethal barrier, and some paid the ultimate price.

In this captivating work, sure to be the definitive history on the subject, Frederick Taylor weaves together official history, archival materials, and personal accounts to tell the complete story of the Wall's rise and fall, from the postwar political tensions that created a divided Berlin to the internal and external pressures that led to the Wall's demise. In addition, he explores the geopolitical ramifications as well as the impact the wall had on ordinary lives that is still felt today. For the first time the entire world faced the threat of imminent nuclear apocalypse, a fear that would be eased only when the very people the Wall had been built to imprison breached it on the historic night of November 9, 1989.

Gripping and authoritative, The Berlin Wall is the first comprehensive account of a divided city and its people in a time when the world seemed to stand permanently on the edge of destruction.

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The Berlin Wall 在線電子書 讀後感


《柏林墙》:柏林墙背道而行,苏联是一错再错 无可否认,柏林墙是德国历史上永久的伤疤。所谓的看待柏林墙修筑的正确面这样的说法是非常可笑的。柏林墙的建立,本来就是一个错。而在这个错误发生之前,苏联早就犯了个严重的错误,柏林墙只不过是一错再错。 ...  




1989年,柏林墙塌了;1990年,两德统一了。假如故事到此戛然而止,我们可以说两德人民迎来了一个宛如童话般的结局:“从此王子与公主在一起过上了幸福的生活。” 可惜我们要纪念的并非柏林墙倒塌那一天,而是柏林墙倒塌二十周年,也就不得不焚琴煮鹤般的把“王子与公...  


万没有想到,在柏林墙纪念馆会读到我们中国的名字。柏林墙工程的代号,就是“中国长城第二”。 1961年8月,一个沉闷的夏天。对于大量东德人经柏林逃往西方已经忍无可忍的东德人和苏联人搞了一个漂亮的偷袭。8月12日凌晨1点,2万多军队突然开到东西柏林边境,立刻开始了修...  


在很多人围绕《柏林墙》讨论柏林墙好与坏的同时,在很多人为柏林墙的倒塌而欢呼的同时。也有着很多的聪明人很快的发现了柏林墙倒塌所带来的商机。 大家是否知道《柏林墙》历史中那一段保存至今的墙体?早在2003年,中华日报刊登了这样一则消息“12月11日晚在柏林举行的公...  

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