Bursts 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024


Albert-Laszlo Barabasi 作者
Dutton Adult
2010-04-29 出版日期
310 页数
GBP 17.23 价格
9780525951605 图书编码

Bursts 在线电子书 图书标签: 复杂网络  人类行为  预测  网络  阿尔伯特─拉斯罗•巴拉巴斯  network  复杂性科学  datamining   

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so so.

Bursts 在线电子书 著者简介

艾伯特-拉斯洛•巴拉巴西(Albert-Laszlo Barabasi)

 全球复杂网络研究权威,无尺度网络的创立者。美国物理学会院士,匈牙利科学院院士,欧洲科学院会员,美国东北大学教授,网络科学研究中心的创始人、主任,同时任职于哈佛大学媒体学院医学系,并担任丹那-法 伯癌症研究所癌症系统生物学中心的研究员。

 Barabasi提出无尺度网络模型,2006年因此荣获了匈牙利计算机学会颁发的冯•诺依曼金质奖章,是建立基于网络共性的统一科学理论的先行者,是复杂网络界引述最多的科学家。

 世界著名科技杂志《popular science》杂志称赞 Barabasi“他可以控制世界”。

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Bursts 在线电子书 图书描述

Can we scientifically predict our future? Scientists and pseudoscientists have been pursuing this mystery for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. But now, amazing new research is revealing that patterns in human behavior, previously thought to be purely random, follow predictable laws.

Albert-László Barabási, already the world's preeminent researcher on the science of networks, describes his work on this profound mystery in Bursts , a stunningly original investigation into human behavior. His approach relies on the way our lives have become digital. Mobile phones, the Internet, and e-mail have made human activities more accessible to quantitative analysis, turning our society into a huge research laboratory. All those electronic trails of time- stamped texts, voice mails, and searches add up to a previously unavailable massive data set that tracks our movements, our decisions, our lives. Analysis of these trails is offering deep insights into the rhythm of how we do everything. His finding? We work and fight and play in short flourishes of activity followed by next to nothing. Our daily pattern isn't random, it's "bursty." Bursts uncovers an astonishing deep order in our actions that makes us far more predictable than we like to think.

Illustrating this revolutionary science, Barabási artfully weaves together the story of a sixteenth-century burst of human activity-a bloody medieval crusade launched in his homeland, Transylvania-with the modern tale of a contemporary artist hunted by the FBI through our post-9/11 surveillance society. These narratives illustrate how predicting human behavior has long been the obsession, sometimes the duty, of those in power. Barabási's wide range of examples from seemingly unrelated areas includes how dollar bills move around the United States, the pattern everyone follows in writing e-mail, the spread of epidemics, and even the flight patterns of albatross. In all these phenomena a virtually identical bursty pattern emerges, a reflection of the universality of human behavior.

Bursts reveals where individual spontaneity ends and predictability in human behavior begins. The way you think about your own potential to do something truly extraordinary will never be the same.

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Bursts 在线电子书 读后感


专业相关所以对数据分析网络模型很有兴趣,书中不断援引的种目繁多的研究项目,包括理论的建立与否定,都是开放式的描述也是科学发展完善的自然过程。但其硬伤在于: 1. refer多却无足以深刻的探究,简单来讲,作者带领读者参观国家科技博物馆,他不厌其烦地向你讲述 a. 钞票...  


可以用大数据把握人性吗——互联网周刊作者:姜奇平 美国物理学会院士巴拉巴西的新著《爆发》,是讨论大数据问题的最新一部商业论著,可以被视为大数据的商业哲学。 作为复杂网络研究的权威,巴拉巴西在大数据兴起的背景下,得出一个结论性的判断,认为数据、科学以及技术的合...  


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