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Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office

Todd G. Buchholz 作者
Harper Paperbacks
2009-04-01 出版日期
320 頁數
USD 16.99 價格
9780061197635 圖書編碼

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Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office 在線電子書 圖書描述

Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office uncovers the secrets behind the success of the great CEOs through their lives and personal stories. Why did Ray Kroc's plan for McDonald's thrive when all the other burger joints failed? How can we apply his lessons to Krispy Kreme? How did Walt Disney's most dismal day as a young cartoonist radically change his career direction? We learn about their biggest challenges and failures, and how they successfully rode the waves of demographic and technological change. When Estée Lauder was a child in Queens, New York, the average American spent $8 a year on toiletries. How did she spot an opportunity in high-priced cosmetics? Why did she pound on the doors of Saks? How did Thomas Watson, Jr., decide to roll the dice and put all of IBM's chips on computing, when his father thought it could be a losing idea? Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office not only fascinates with the personal lives of these CEOs, it shows how we can transfer their ideas today to the triumphs and struggles of Sony, Dell, Costco, Carnival Cruises, Time Warner, and numerous other companies trying to figure out how to stay on top, or climb back up. The featured CEOs in this book were not candidates for sainthood. Many of them knew "God" only as a prefix to "damm it." But they were devoted to their businesses, not just to their egos, personal bank accounts, and yachts. Extraordinarily fresh and deeply thoughtful, Todd G. Buchholz's Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office is a truly enjoyable and fun—yet serious and realistic—look at what we still have to learn and absorb from these former CEOs.

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