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The Penguin and the Leviathan

Yochai Benkler 作者
Broadway Business
2010-04-27 出版日期
272 頁數
USD 26.00 價格
9780385525763 圖書編碼

The Penguin and the Leviathan 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 社會學  cooperation  閤作  互聯網  社會人文  opensource  新的生活生産模式  充實自己   

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The Penguin and the Leviathan 在線電子書 用戶評價


cooperation or selfish? That's a question.






The Wealth of Network作者Yochai Benkler的新作,比之前那本通俗易懂多瞭。推薦任何對人與人之間的閤作感興趣的朋友閱讀。



The Penguin and the Leviathan 在線電子書 著者簡介

[美]尤查•本科勒(Yochai Benkler)


★互聯時代知識傳播、知識産權研究領域頗有建樹的權威。2012年獲牛津大學互聯網學院“終身成就奬”,2011年獲福特基金會“遠見奬”,2007年獲電子前哨基金會“先鋒奬”,2006年獲得非營利性組織“公共知識”(Public Knowledge )頒發的IP3奬。


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The Penguin and the Leviathan 在線電子書 圖書描述

What do Wikipedia, Zip Car’s business model, Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and a small group of lobster fishermen have in common? They all show the power and promise of human cooperation in transforming our businesses, our government, and our society at large. Because today, when the costs of collaborating are lower than ever before, there are no limits to what we can achieve by working together.

For centuries, we as a society have operated according to a very unflattering view of human nature: that, humans are universally and inherently selfish creatures. As a result, our most deeply entrenched social structures – our top-down business models, our punitive legal systems, our market-based approaches to everything from education reform to environmental regulation - have been built on the premise that humans are driven only by self interest, programmed to respond only to the invisible hand of the free markets or the iron fist of a controlling government.

In the last decade, however, this fallacy has finally begun to unravel, as hundreds of studies conducted across dozens of cultures have found that most people will act far more cooperatively than previously believed. Here, Harvard University Professor Yochai Benkler draws on cutting-edge findings from neuroscience, economics, sociology, evolutionary biology, political science, and a wealth of real world examples to debunk this long-held myth and reveal how we can harness the power of human cooperation to improve business processes, design smarter technology, reform our economic systems, maximize volunteer contributions to science, reduce crime, improve the efficacy of civic movements, and more.

For example, he describes how:

•By building on countless voluntary contributions, open-source software communities have developed some of the most important infrastructure on which the World Wide Web runs

•Experiments with pay-as-you-wish pricing in the music industry reveal that fans will voluntarily pay far more for their favorite music than economic models would ever predic

•Many self-regulating communities, from the lobster fishermen of Maine to farmers in Spain, live within self-regulating system for sharing and allocating communal resources

•Despite recent setbacks, Toyota’s collaborative shop-floor, supply chain, and management structure contributed to its meteoric rise above its American counterparts for over a quarter century.

•Police precincts across the nation have managed to reduce crime in tough neighborhoods through collaborative, trust-based, community partnerships.

A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the dynamics of cooperation in 21st century life, The Penguin and the Leviathan not only challenges so many of the ways in which we live and work, it forces us to rethink our entire view of human nature.

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内在动机(intrinsic motivations)与自利的关系问题至关重要又极其复杂。这本书是对《自私的基因》以及“人人追求自利”的主流观点进行了强烈批判和反驳。本书认为,除了自身以外,我们还会关心他人:我们的亲戚、同一个社区里的人、遭遇性骚扰的同事,只是程度有所不同。即使...  


八五前或者九零前的老人们眼里,互联网可能就是一个调制解调器和一根网线,可能是几个网页和一部游戏,也可能是某个商业模式或是某种转型的机会。毕竟在那些三十岁或者更老的人们眼里,物质仍旧是匮乏的,利己仍旧是生存的惟一机会。 但对于在之后的后千禧们(2000年以后出生的...  

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