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The Pleasures of the Damned

Charles Bukowski 作者
2008-12-2 出版日期
576 頁數
USD 16.99 價格
9780061228445 圖書編碼

The Pleasures of the Damned 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Charles_Bukowski    詩歌  英文版  美國  外文書  Bukowski     

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The Pleasures of the Damned 在線電子書 用戶評價


沒看完,這本是看不完的,估計會看好久好久。讀的非常開心的一本詩集,數次笑齣來,老布對於人生和寫作的態度,以及他的魅力,都可以通過一段采訪體現齣來,本來想翻譯一下,但是髒話太多,我翻譯不齣來他的魅力。哈哈哈哈哈。 “他們說,我很擅長寫對話,但過著這樣的人生,聽過瞭足夠多 fxxking 的對話,我應該擅長。我很幸運有瞭這麼糟糕的人生,一個可以用來寫作的糟糕的人生。” 老布的詩讀著是非常開心的,非常隨性跳脫,卻也會偶有幾首,突然柔軟,讓人陷入情緒,說不齣話。


讀瞭首叫oh, yes的詩 沒想到居然是雞湯 “there are things worse than being alone, and it usually takes decades to realize this, and when you realize it is usually too late”。。。姑娘姑娘姑娘、憎惡衰老、仇富


讀瞭首叫oh, yes的詩 沒想到居然是雞湯 “there are things worse than being alone, and it usually takes decades to realize this, and when you realize it is usually too late”。。。姑娘姑娘姑娘、憎惡衰老、仇富


花瞭大半個月的時間 可算把這本詞典般的詩集給啃完瞭 神清氣爽


its a lonely world / of frightened people, / just as it has always/been.

The Pleasures of the Damned 在線電子書 著者簡介

The Pleasures of the Damned 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Pleasures of the Damned 在線電子書 圖書描述

To his legions of fans, Charles Bukowski was—and remains—the quintessential counterculture icon. A hard-drinking wild man of literature and a stubborn outsider to the poetry world, he wrote unflinchingly about booze, work, and women, in raw, street-tough poems whose truth has struck a chord with generations of readers. Edited by John Martin, the legendary publisher of Black Sparrow Press and a close friend of Bukowski's, The Pleasures of the Damned is a selection of the best works from Bukowski's long poetic career, including the last of his never-before-collected poems. Celebrating the full range of the poet's extra-ordinary and surprising sensibility, and his uncompromising linguistic brilliance, these poems cover a rich lifetime of experiences and speak to Bukowski's "immense intelligence, the caring heart that saw through the sham of our pretenses and had pity on our human condition" ( The New York Quarterly ). The Pleasures of the Damned is an astonishing poetic treasure trove, essential reading for both longtime fans and those just discovering this unique and legendary American voice.

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The Pleasures of the Damned 在線電子書 讀後感


Charles Bukowski: I'm such a spoiled old toad. Jesus Christ. I should Complain. Two Acuras in the driveway.A swimming pool . I 'm bitching like an old, oh, well. YEAH, they say I'm good with dialogue.. But live a life, heard enough fucking conversations, I ...


Charles Bukowski: I'm such a spoiled old toad. Jesus Christ. I should Complain. Two Acuras in the driveway.A swimming pool . I 'm bitching like an old, oh, well. YEAH, they say I'm good with dialogue.. But live a life, heard enough fucking conversations, I ...


Charles Bukowski: I'm such a spoiled old toad. Jesus Christ. I should Complain. Two Acuras in the driveway.A swimming pool . I 'm bitching like an old, oh, well. YEAH, they say I'm good with dialogue.. But live a life, heard enough fucking conversations, I ...


Charles Bukowski: I'm such a spoiled old toad. Jesus Christ. I should Complain. Two Acuras in the driveway.A swimming pool . I 'm bitching like an old, oh, well. YEAH, they say I'm good with dialogue.. But live a life, heard enough fucking conversations, I ...


Charles Bukowski: I'm such a spoiled old toad. Jesus Christ. I should Complain. Two Acuras in the driveway.A swimming pool . I 'm bitching like an old, oh, well. YEAH, they say I'm good with dialogue.. But live a life, heard enough fucking conversations, I ...

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