Machiavelli's Three Romes 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Machiavelli's Three Romes

Vickie B. Sullivan 作者
Northern Illinois University Press
1996-8-1 出版日期
246 頁數
USD 35.50 價格
9780875802138 圖書編碼

Machiavelli's Three Romes 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 馬基雅維利  羅馬  政治哲學  Machiavelli   

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Machiavelli's Three Romes 在線電子書 用戶評價


delicate and consistent...發揚瞭施特勞斯認為馬基雅維利反對基督教的一麵。部分文本細讀很新穎,但似乎也有點捕風捉影。


delicate and consistent...發揚瞭施特勞斯認為馬基雅維利反對基督教的一麵。部分文本細讀很新穎,但似乎也有點捕風捉影。


delicate and consistent...發揚瞭施特勞斯認為馬基雅維利反對基督教的一麵。部分文本細讀很新穎,但似乎也有點捕風捉影。


delicate and consistent...發揚瞭施特勞斯認為馬基雅維利反對基督教的一麵。部分文本細讀很新穎,但似乎也有點捕風捉影。


delicate and consistent...發揚瞭施特勞斯認為馬基雅維利反對基督教的一麵。部分文本細讀很新穎,但似乎也有點捕風捉影。

Machiavelli's Three Romes 在線電子書 著者簡介

Machiavelli's Three Romes 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Machiavelli's Three Romes 在線電子書 圖書描述

Machiavelli's ambiguous treatment of religion has fuelled a contentious and long-standing debate among scholars. Whereas some insist that Machiavelli is a Christian, others maintain he is a pagan. Sullivan mediates between these divergent views by arguing that he is neither but that he utilizes elements of both understandings arrayed in a wholly new way. She develops her argument by distinguishing among the three Romes that can be understood as existing in Machiavelli's political thought: the first is the Rome of the Christian era, dominated by the pope; the second is the republican Rome of pagan times, which Machiavelli praises; and the third is an idealized Rome that is neither entirely pagan nor entirely Christian. In part 1, Sullivan examines Machiavelli's treatment of Christian Rome to find that in his view the Church and the beliefs of Christianity have fostered grave political problems. Indeed, he contends that Christianity exercises a type of tyrannical rule over human beings. His recognition motivates his seemingly enthusiastic turn to the pagan Rome of the "Discourses". Examining his treatment of pagan Rome in part 2, Sullivan finds that Machiavelli is critical of this apparent alternative to Christian Rome. In particular, Machiavelli demonstrates that republican Rome proved inept at handling its ambitious men who vied for power. Sullivan also shows how Machiavelli infuses his discussions of republican Rome with terms evocative of Christianity in a way that suggests Christian governance ultimately derived from pagan Rome. The ancient city is an insufficient model for the people of his times, and thus he proposes an idealized Rome that will transcend the problems both of Christian and of pagan Rome. The character of Machiavelli's new Rome provides the focus of Part 3. Sullivan argues here that Machiavelli's new Rome will embody certain elements of the two other Romes yet will overcome the failings of each. She shows Machiavelli's thought to be a highly original response to what he understood to be the crisis of his times. Sullivan draws primarily from the "Florentine Histories", "The Prince" and the "Discourses" to offer a unique study of Machiavelli's political thought. Her examination of Machiavelli's three Romes will interest scholars of political science and political philosophy.

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