8 Choices That Create a Love That Lasts 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

8 Choices That Create a Love That Lasts

Jill Briscoe 作者
2007-1 出版日期
256 页数
134.00元 价格
9781582296647 图书编码

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love still stands when all else has fallen.


love still stands when all else has fallen.


love still stands when all else has fallen.


love still stands when all else has fallen.


love still stands when all else has fallen.

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8 Choices That Create a Love That Lasts 在线电子书 图书描述


Not everything is within our power to control. But, thankfully, some of the most important things are. Beloved author Jill Briscoe shares eight concrete choices that are guaranteed to fill your life with love -- the kind of love that lasts. Based on the "love chapter" of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, the choices shared in these pages will give you the power to love not only God and yourself but to infuse love into every relationship in your life. You Can Choose a Life of Lasting Love Choose love through these eight life-empowering choices: 1. The choice to love God 2. The choice to love when love runs out 3. The choice to love those in your church family 4. The choice to love those who drive you up the wall 5. The choice not to love things too much 6. The choice to love when you're provoked 7. The choice to love and trust again 8. The choice to love God up close and personal

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