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Unclutter Your Life in One Week

Erin R Doland 作者
Gallery Books
2009-11-3 出版日期
256 頁數
USD 22.00 價格
9781439150467 圖書編碼

Unclutter Your Life in One Week 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英文  管理  生活  效率  audiobook   

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Unclutter Your Life in One Week 在線電子書 圖書描述

Organization expert Erin Rooney Doland, Editor-in-Chief of Unclutterer.com, will show you how to clear the clutter, simplify your surroundings, and create the remarkable life you deserve -- in just one week.

Simple living isn't about depriving; it's about enriching. But while scribbling "Be more organized" on a list of New Year's resolutions doesn't take much effort, actually becoming more organized requires real change. Are you constantly late to the office because you have trouble getting out the door in the morning? Is your house in such disarray that you can't have friends over for dinner? It's easy to feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed when your surroundings, schedule, and thoughts are chaotic. The solution? Unclutter Your Life in One Week with organization expert and Editor-in-Chief of Unclutterer.com Erin Rooney Doland. This essential manual is a simple, day-by-day plan for purging your life of clutter, becoming more efficient and productive, and creating a symbiotic relationship between your work and personal life. There is no one-size-fits-all answer for organization. Erin offers useful and innovative suggestions for tackling the physical, mental, and systemic distractions in different areas of your home and office each day. Her down-to-earth approach will help you part with sentimental clutter, organize your closet based on how you process information, build an effective and personalized filing system, avoid the procrastination that often hinders the process, and much more. Once you cure the clutter, she shares practical advice for maintaining your harmonious home and work environments with minimal daily effort.

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