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In Old France and New

McLennan, William 作者
2007-11 出版日期
392 頁數
$ 38.36 價格
9780548799963 圖書編碼

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In Old France and New 在線電子書 圖書描述

IN OLD FRANCE aND NEW - 1899 -- CONTENTS -- AS TOLD TO IIIS GRACE C.-INXDI iX STORIES OLD AND NEW ILLUSTRATIONS ON TIIRII1 WAY TO MASS AT LES AUGUSTINS Fronlhpiae TITE KING AND HIS FOLLOWERS SAT ABSO LUTELY UKJIOVED . . . . . . . . Facing p. 19 IIE CAUOIIT TIIE CIIILD TO IIIM . . . . 32 WELL, MY FRIENDS, TO WIIAT DO I OWE 4 TEE IIONOUR OF T I SVI SIT P . . . . a 43 U 8 WHAT CAN I DO, MONSIEUR 4. . . . H 9G OUTAGAUT, IN A SUPREJIE EFFORT, LIFTED mD TIIIlETV IIIS AhTAGONIST . . . . 6 6 123 AN DERE WAS DE CAPTAIN AN 3 1 - ZELLE LAURE . . . . . . . . . 224 SUE PUT ER AN ON ER EART AN FALL ON ER ICXEE . . . . . . . . . . 220 AN DEN DEY COXE ON DE COUNTRY . . 23G WON YOU PASS ON DE OUSE AN RES . 242 DEY WAS JUS LIKE ALL DE BPEECII DEY MAKE EVERY TINE . . . . . . . . 250 DERE WAS JOIINNY WID DE BRIDGE ALL GONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . U 256 A I3YTOWN CEST UN JOLI PLACE . . . 264 E LAUGH WIDOUT MAKE NO NOISE . . 270 WATS DE MATTER, FRENCBY . . . 273 1056 DORCIIESTSIT R. E ET, MONTI EA J L u, l y 27, 1S91. DEAR MR. IIoTYELLs, - A s I itc rc C C C I - luld oppol t u t i t g to tilnnk you in I C J - M j I i L r jou 1 0 1 1.19 C I C O I I W C I I L C I L of 712 y l c c c t t o z f e t t7iese Frclrc7 - C li t lit ns. etc7ic, a 11 C I C 1 O 1 I I I I c c L 71 i c f t. 7 tru ctlrrctg been of the 7 ighist rntrte to me, I look on i t tis T I I g ood furttcl c 17 11 I 1 1 1 n orc flJlc to rtrke, 90111 t rc- inulclct gurent JJ t lc tlctliciction to you of this little oltrl le. I cm, letcl J I II . o rcclL3, Yo rtrs 7 20,9t itict rely, W. D. HOJVELL E Y s, q. P R E F A C E IN 1809 there Irns publislied in Paris, chcz Lerouge, Cour t l u Co nlllercc, p assage de Ito hnn, cluarticr St. Arltlre tlcs Aivcs, Lnloclcst v o inl it WO . olu llt s. c n t i t led C titm t7rs T i s, l J . . . E . Tl lc interest of tlicsc little rolu nca lies in the tlescriptiun of ul official visit to tllc Tuilcrics 111 ldt by tile o lmissionc qr pointctl l y itoll ll tl, t r l i l c ll t hu writ or, Iierrc - . Joscph - Rlcsis I o isscl l l C I C C tl ic foruliC1 bles tri 11g of in itials of tile titlc nut1 the L b 31. tlArtlc of the stories, with lc lord Eedfort rere present. in his inotle of life ant1 csclnplary in his morals-for Ire ncetl not reg rd Mr. Iigotts libel in irk6 . Lwdz y Ll ll, IS llolding crcll my inens ure of truth-was curious to see the progress i X of tllc 1. cyolutiu11nl8 n ovcment i ll Fmncc, und rns nllo rctl every opportunity for so doing...

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