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Fertility and Conception

Greer, Professor Ian 作者
2007-4 出版日期
192 頁數
122.00元 價格
9780007236220 圖書編碼

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Fertility and Conception 在線電子書 圖書描述

This one-stop practical guide will show you how to maximise your chances of having a baby. To make your progress easier, it comes in a handy two-colour format with expert tips and advice througout. Ian Greer has spent his career working with couples trying to conceive and knows exactly the kind of questions they want to know answers to: from the small ones, like 'Is it okay to have a bikini wax?' to the big ones, like 'How do we know which of these treatments is most likely to work for us?' In this book he explains: - the menstrual cycle, when you're most fertile and how often to have sex - understanding your hormones - what factors can prevent or reduce fertilization and conception - how to enhance your fertility, and what to do if you want to conceive. A healthy eating with some sample menu plans has been compiled in conjunction with a nutritionist - genetic issues and your own health issues to consider - everything you need to know about sperm and ovulation - complementary therapies such as acupuncture, lymphatic massage, hypnotherapy, Alexander technique, reflexology - myths and magic: fertility symbols and ancient rites - tests if you are having trouble conceiving - how to get the most out of your GP - how to overcome stress and other emotional blocks to pregnancy - PCOS, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages and other health issues - IVF, ICSI, DI, IUI, IUId, egg donation, semen freezing, FER, surrogate mothers - sources of information, further reading, support groups, and websites

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