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自古以來文人相輕,尤其是成名作傢,更是不把任何人放在眼裡;除非有某種特殊交情,否則想要他們吐露讚美之詞簡直是比登天還難。然而若是有人誠心稱讚,那麼被讚美之人必有過人之處,像是英籍作傢伊安.蘭金(Ian Rankin),美國知名作傢詹姆斯.艾洛依(James Ellroy)就稱呼他為「蘇格蘭黑色之王」(King of Tartan Noir),另一位當紅的暢銷作傢麥可.康納利(Michael Connelly)也讚譽他「在當今一票最佳犯罪小說傢當中依然一枝獨秀」。除瞭叫好之外,伊安.藍金的小說在英國也是票房保證,受歡迎的程度可媲美約翰.葛裏遜或派翠西亞.康薇爾等級的大牌作傢。
不管在哪裡任職,伊安總是創作不輟,他的第一部盧布思探案原本隻是偶一為之的作品,因此他試圖用驚悚間諜小說的型態來測試推理小說的可塑性,並探究心理層次的黑暗麵,未料卻引起廣大迴響,很多讀者都想知道盧布思的下場,於是探案纔一部接一部發展成係列小說。伊安的作品評價之高,光看得獎記錄便可分曉:一九九二年他拿下最具聲望的錢德勒-富布賴特推理文學獎(Chandler-Fulbright Award),一九九四和一九九六年兩度贏得英國犯罪作傢協會的短篇作品金匕首獎,一九九七年再接再厲以《黑與藍》(Black & Blue)勇奪長篇作品金匕首獎。二○○四更是豐收的一年,《再生人》(Resurrection Men)是美國推理作傢協會票選齣來的年度最佳作品,《血的難題》(A Question of Blood)被許多推理專刊列入推薦書目中。
Inspector John Rebus has messed up badly this time, so badly that he's been sent to a kind of reform school for damaged cops. While there among the last-chancers known as "resurrection men," he joins a covert mission to gain evidence of a drug heist orchestrated by three of his classmates. But the group has been assigned an unsolved murder that may have resulted from Rebus's own mistake. Now Rebus can't determine if he's been set up for a fall or if his disgraced classmates are as ruthless as he suspects. When Detective Sergeant Siobhan Clarke discovers that her investigation of an art dealer's murder is tied to Rebus's inquiry, the two-protÈgÈ and mentor-join forces. Soon they find themselves in the midst of an even bigger scandal than they had imagined-a plot with conspirators in every corner of Scotland and deadly implications about their colleagues. With the brilliant eye for character and place that earned him the name "the Dickens of Edinburgh," Ian Rankin delivers a page-turning novel of intricate suspense.
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