Rimbaud 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024


Jean Nicholas Arthur Rimbaud 作者
University Of Chicago Press
Fowlie, Wallace 译者
2005-11-01 出版日期
496 页数
USD 19.00 价格
9782911397127 图书编码

Rimbaud 在线电子书 图书标签: poem  Rimbaud  诗歌  翻译  法国  Arthur_Rimbaud   

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Rimbaud 在线电子书 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 下载 2024

Rimbaud 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

Rimbaud 在线电子书 用户评价


"clear water; salty as childhood tears" so cute~ sick-looking+bony+handsome+sensitive+poetic+suicidal=this dude~


"clear water; salty as childhood tears" so cute~ sick-looking+bony+handsome+sensitive+poetic+suicidal=this dude~


"clear water; salty as childhood tears" so cute~ sick-looking+bony+handsome+sensitive+poetic+suicidal=this dude~


the fowlie translation


the fowlie translation

Rimbaud 在线电子书 著者简介

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Rimbaud 在线电子书 图书描述

The "enfant terrible" of French letters, Jean-Nicholas-Arthur Rimbaud (1854-91) was a defiant and precocious youth who wrote some of the most remarkable prose and poetry of the nineteenth century, all before leaving the world of verse by the age of twenty-one. More than a century after his death, the young rebel-poet continues to appeal to modern readers as much for his turbulent life as for his poetry; his stormy affair with fellow poet Paul Verlaine and his nomadic adventures in eastern Africa are as iconic as his hallucinatory poems and symbolist prose. The first translation of the poet's complete works when it was published in 1966, "Rimbaud: Complete Works, Selected Letters" introduced a new generation of Americans to the alienated genius--among them the Doors's lead singer Jim Morrison, who wrote to translator Wallace Fowlie to thank him for rendering the poems accessible to those who "don't read French that easily." Forty years later, the book remains the only side-by-side bilingual edition of Rimbaud's complete poetic works. Thoroughly revising Fowlie's edition, Seth Whidden has made changes on virtually every page, correcting errors, reordering poems, adding previously omitted versions of poems and some letters, and updating the text to reflect current scholarship; left in place are Fowlie's literal and respectful translations of Rimbaud's complex and nontraditional verse. Whidden also provides a foreword that considers the heritage of Fowlie's edition and adds a bibliography that acknowledges relevant books that have appeared since the original publication. On its fortieth anniversary, "Rimbaud" remains the most authoritative--and now, completely up-to-date--edition of the young master's entire poetic ouvre.

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Rimbaud 在线电子书 读后感


First Night She was less than scantily dressed, And large trees blatantly Pressed leaves against her window, Curious, close, hard by. There she sat, half-naked In my...


First Night She was less than scantily dressed, And large trees blatantly Pressed leaves against her window, Curious, close, hard by. There she sat, half-naked In my...


First Night She was less than scantily dressed, And large trees blatantly Pressed leaves against her window, Curious, close, hard by. There she sat, half-naked In my...


First Night She was less than scantily dressed, And large trees blatantly Pressed leaves against her window, Curious, close, hard by. There she sat, half-naked In my...


First Night She was less than scantily dressed, And large trees blatantly Pressed leaves against her window, Curious, close, hard by. There she sat, half-naked In my...

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