Glimpses of Eternity 在线电子书 图书标签: 电子书 濒死体验
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雷蒙‧穆迪博士Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D.:維吉尼亞大學學士、碩士與博士,是一位受人尊敬的心理學家、講師及研究員。最先在東卡羅萊納州立大學教授哲學課程,於一九七六年獲得喬治亞醫學院醫學博士的榮銜,之後在維吉尼亞大學醫學院實習任教。一九七二年剛上醫學院時,穆迪就已在自稱為「瀕死經驗」的研究領域上出名,但是這些經驗與描述起初皆不見於醫學書籍,讓他備受同儕的爭議與排擠,直到一九八○年因為時代的開放,有愈來愈多的醫界人士加入討論並提供事例,他才正式嶄露頭角,成為瀕死經驗與共歷死亡經驗方面的權威。雷蒙‧穆迪多次受邀參加〈歐普拉〉脫口秀及一些美國黃金時段的節目,發表他在共歷死亡經驗方面的研究成果與驚人的看法。他廣泛地四處旅行,提供研討會和教育工作者、醫務人員、神職人員的培訓,亦有個人輔導服務。他同時也是暢銷書作家,作品包括得獎的《生生不息》(Life After Life)、《跨越那道光》(The Light Beyond)與《重聚》(Reunited)等。保羅‧裴瑞Paul Perry:數十本〈紐約時報〉暢銷排行榜書籍之共同作者,包括《更接近光》(Closer to the Light)、《因為光而轉變》(Transformed by the Light),以及後來被福斯電視台改編成熱門電影的〈死亡‧奇蹟‧預言〉(Saved by the Light)。作品曾發表於國家地理探險雜誌、讀者文摘和其他多種流行期刊,書籍至少超過三十種語言在世界各地出版。 一九八六年,保羅因為關注瀕死體驗的含意與影響,使他成為雷蒙‧穆迪博士研究共歷死亡經驗的專業參與者,他們倆被公認為是瀕死研究的創始人,共同著有五本書:《超自然》(Paranormal),《瞥見永恆》、《跨越那道光》、《重返人間》(Coming Back)和《重聚》,這些與瀕死經驗和共歷死亡經驗相關的主題,多半也就是讓他榮登〈紐約時報〉暢銷作家的主要原因。
中央大學英文系,淡江大學美國研究所畢。喜愛文字工作,曾任出版社編輯,現為譯者與科大英文講師。愛好新知,樂在學習,欣然品嚐生活當下的況味,更樂於透過信達雅的譯文,將作者的觀點與能量傳達給讀者。譯有 《死亡晚餐派對》、《與癌細胞和平相處》、《業力療法》、《幽默醫生的價值教育》、《親愛的,我們別吵了》等書(以上均由生命潛能文化出版)。
Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D.
Raymond Moody, author of the multimillion copy best-seller, "Life After Life" reveals new results from his life-long investigation of what happens when we die. Raymond Moody revolutionised the way we think about death with his first book, "Life After Life", which was stories of people who died and then returned to life. Going through a tunnel, encountering an angelic being or having an out-of-body experience are hallmarks of what Moody termed a 'near death experience'. Since the publication of his multimillion copy best-seller, hundreds of thousands of people have contacted Moody to share their own experiences. The startling pattern that Moody discovered is that at the time of death, loved ones also have inexplicable experiences. This is the first book to talk about the phenomenon of 'shared death experiences'. Readers will discover deathbed moments when entire families see the light or the room changes shape. Others tell of seeing a film like review of a loved one's life and learning things that they could never have known otherwise. The stories are at once a comfort and a mystery, giving us a new understanding of the journey that we will take at the end of our lives.
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