A Jane Austen Education 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

A Jane Austen Education

William Deresiewicz 作者
Penguin Press HC
2011-4-28 出版日期
272 页数
USD 25.95 价格
9781594202889 图书编码

A Jane Austen Education 在线电子书 图书标签: JaneAusten  生活  小说  英文版  美国  教育  心理学  随笔   

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A Jane Austen Education 在线电子书 用户评价




看得很愉快,相信爱心存爱。理解了简奥斯汀小说以及她的方方面面。才发现自己竟然已忘记了许多本书的故事了。原来自己的大多印象还是被电视剧集电影所影响了。以后肯定会再看奥斯汀的小说的。结尾被喂了一嘴狗粮= =、


A testament to the transformative power of literature.


读这本书的时候,其实自己遇到很多难题。方方面面的,本来确定的也不确定了。很高兴那个时候读到这本书,说不上是life changing,但是觉得不那么孤独了。Reason is freedom.


读这本书的时候,其实自己遇到很多难题。方方面面的,本来确定的也不确定了。很高兴那个时候读到这本书,说不上是life changing,但是觉得不那么孤独了。Reason is freedom.

A Jane Austen Education 在线电子书 著者简介

威廉·德雷谢维奇(William Deresiewicz),毕业于哥伦比亚大学,在耶鲁大学担任过十年英文教授,在哥伦比亚大学担任过五年研究生导师。他是一名颇有影响力的文学评论家,其文章经常出现在《纽约时报》《大西洋月刊》《国家》《共和》上。近年来他关注美国大学的教育状况,《精英教育的劣势》(The Disadvantage of an Elite Education)一文在网络上点击率超过100 万次。他的畅销书《优秀的绵羊》在国内引进出版后,引起广泛讨论和相当程度的共鸣。

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A Jane Austen Education 在线电子书 图书描述

An eloquent memoir of a young man's life transformed by literature.

In A Jane Austen Education, Austen scholar William Deresiewicz turns to the author's novels to reveal the remarkable life lessons hidden within. With humor and candor, Deresiewicz employs his own experiences to demonstrate the enduring power of Austen's teachings. Progressing from his days as an immature student to a happily married man, Deresiewicz's A Jane Austen Education is the story of one man's discovery of the world outside himself.

A self-styled intellectual rebel dedicated to writers such as James Joyce and Joseph Conrad, Deresiewicz never thought Austen's novels would have anything to offer him. But when he was assigned to read Emma as a graduate student at Columbia, something extraordinary happened. Austen's devotion to the everyday, and her belief in the value of ordinary lives, ignited something in Deresiewicz. He began viewing the world through Austen's eyes and treating those around him as generously as Austen treated her characters. Along the way, Deresiewicz was amazed to discover that the people in his life developed the depth and richness of literary characters-that his own life had suddenly acquired all the fascination of a novel. His real education had finally begun.

Weaving his own story-and Austen's-around the ones her novels tell, Deresiewicz shows how her books are both about education and themselves an education. Her heroines learn about friendship and feeling, staying young and being good, and, of course, love. As they grow up, they learn lessons that are imparted to Austen's reader, who learns and grows by their sides.

A Jane Austen Education is a testament to the transformative power of literature, a celebration of Austen's mastery, and a joy to read. Whether for a newcomer to Austen or a lifelong devotee, Deresiewicz brings fresh insights to the novelist and her beloved works. Ultimately, Austen's world becomes indelibly entwined with our own, showing the relevance of her message and the triumph of her vision.

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A Jane Austen Education 在线电子书 读后感


这本书是在社科院书店发现的,内容是将自己的成长故事与一奥斯丁的六个故事揉和在一起,所以你看这部书,看了7部作品,作家自己的故事也在里面。这是一个疯狂的时代,同18世纪奥斯汀的时代很不一样了, 大家追名逐利的速度是疯狂的,没有什么人肯慢下来,像奥斯丁那样谈谈家长...


P232:“结婚不是因为遇到了那个人;结婚是因为你准备好了,然后你接受了你遇到的那个人。” P235:“她的女主人公不被动、不可怜,不是受害者,不是玩物。她们掌握自己的命运,她们和其他人平起平坐。” P238:“在奥斯丁看来,友谊是爱情的本质。”“现在我懂了,如果爱情始于...  



P232:“结婚不是因为遇到了那个人;结婚是因为你准备好了,然后你接受了你遇到的那个人。” P235:“她的女主人公不被动、不可怜,不是受害者,不是玩物。她们掌握自己的命运,她们和其他人平起平坐。” P238:“在奥斯丁看来,友谊是爱情的本质。”“现在我懂了,如果爱情始于...  


这本书是在社科院书店发现的,内容是将自己的成长故事与一奥斯丁的六个故事揉和在一起,所以你看这部书,看了7部作品,作家自己的故事也在里面。这是一个疯狂的时代,同18世纪奥斯汀的时代很不一样了, 大家追名逐利的速度是疯狂的,没有什么人肯慢下来,像奥斯丁那样谈谈家长...

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