計算物理學 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
蒂森 作者
2011-4 出版日期
620 頁數
89.00元 價格
9787510032905 圖書編碼
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計算物理學 在線電子書 著者簡介
計算物理學 在線電子書 著者簡介
Preface to the first editionPreface to the second edition1 Introduction 1.1 Physics and computational physics 1.2 Classical mechanics and statistical mechanics 1.3 Stochastic simulations 1.4 Electrodynamics and hydrodynamics 1.5 Quantum mechanics 1.6 Relations between quantum mechanics and classical statistical physics 1.7 Quantum molecular dynamics 1.8 Quantum field theory 1.9 About this book Exercises References2 Quantum scattering with a spherically symmetric potential 2.1 Introduction 2.2 A program for calculating cross sections 2.3 Calculation of scattering cross sections Exercises References3 The variational method for the Schriidinger equation 3.1 Variational calculus 3.2 Examples of variational calculations 3.3 Solution of the generalised eigenvalue problem 3.4 Perturbation theory and variational calculus Exercises References4 The l-lartree---Fock method 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Born-Oppenheimer approximation and the independent-particle method 4.3 The helium atom 4.4 Many-electron systems and the Slater determinant 4.5 Self-consistency and exchange: Hartree-Fock theory 4.6 Basis functions 4.7 The structure of a Hartree-Fock computer program 4.8 Integrals involving Gaussian functions 4.9 Applications and results 4.10 Improving upon the Hartree-Fock approximation Exercises References5 Density functional theory 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The local density approximation 5.3 Exchange and correlation: a closer look 5.4 Beyond DFT: one- and two-particle excitations 5.5 A density functional program for the helium atom 5.6 Applications and results Exercises References6 Solving the Schriidinger equation in periodic solids 6.1 Introduction: definitions 6.2 Band structures and Bloch's theorem 6.3 Approximations 6.4 Band structure methods and basis functions 6.5 Augmented plane wave methods 6.6 The linearised APW (LAPW) method 6.7 The pseudopotential method 6.8 Extracting information from band structures 6.9 Some additional remarks 6.10 Other band methods Exercises References7 Classical equilibrium statistical mechanics 7.1 Basic theory 7.2 Examples of statistical models; phase transitions 7.3 Phase transitions 7.4 Determination of averages in simulations Exercises References8 Molecular dynamics simulations 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Molecular dynamics at constant energy 8.3 A molecular dynamics simulation program for argon 8.4 Integration methods: symplectic integrators 8.5 Molecular dynamics methods for different ensembles 8.6 Molecular systems 8.7 Long-range interactions 8.8 Langevin dynamics simulation 8.9 Dynamical quantities: nonequilibrium molecular dynamics Exercises References9 Quantum molecular dynamics 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The molecular dynamics method 9.3 An example: quantum molecular dynamics for the hydrogen molecule 9.4 Orthonormalisation; conjugate gradient and RM-DIIS techniques 9.5 Implementation of the Car-Parrinello technique for pseudopotential DFT Exercises References10 The Monte Carlo method 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Monte Carlo integration 10.3 Importance sampling through Markov chains 10.4 Other ensembles 10.5 Estimation of free energy and chemical potential 10.6 Further applications and Monte Carlo methods 10.7 The temperature of a finite system Exercises References11 Transfer matrix and diagonalisation of spin chains 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The one-dimensional Ising model and the transfer matrix 11.3 Two-dimensional spin models 11.4 More complicated models 11.5 'Exact' diagonalisation of quantum chains 11.6 Quantum renormalisation in real space 11.7 The density matrix renormalisation group method Exercises References12 Quantum Monte Carlo methods 12.1 Introduction 12.2 The variational Monte Carlo method 12.3 Diffusion Monte Carlo 12.4 Path-integral Monte Carlo 12.5 Quantum Monte Carlo on a lattice 12.6 The Monte Carlo transfer matrix method Exercises References13 The finite element method for partial differential equations 13.1 Introduction 13.2 The Poisson equation 13.3 Linear elasticity 13.4 Error estimators 13.5 Local refinement 13.6 Dynamical finite element method 13.7 Concurrent coupling of length scales: FEM and MD Exercises References14 The lattice Boltzmann method for fluid dynamics 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations 14.3 The lattice Boltzmann model 14.4 Additional remarks 14.5 Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equation from the lattice Boltzmann model Exercises References15 Computational methods for lattice field theories 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Quantum field theory 15.3 Interacting fields and renormalisation 15.4 Algorithms for lattice field theories 15.5 Reducing critical slowing down 15.6 Comparison of algorithms for scalar field theory 15.7 Gauge field theories Exercises References16 High performance computing and parallelism 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Pipelining 16.3 Parallelism 16.4 Parallel algorithms for molecular dynamics ReferencesAppendix A Numerical methods A1 About numerical methods A2 Iterative procedures for special functions A3 Finding the root of a function A4 Finding the optimum of a function A5 Discretisation A6 Numerical quadratures A7 Differential equations A8 Linear algebra problems A9 The fast Fourier transform Exercises ReferencesAppendix B Random number generators B1 Random numbers and pseudo-random numbers B2 Random number generators and properties of pseudo-random numbers B3 Nonuniform random number generators Exercises ReferencesIndex
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計算物理學 在線電子書 圖書描述
《計算物理學(英文版)(第2版)》是一部理論物理研究的計算方法的教程。這是第二版,在第一版的基礎上做瞭大量的更新,內容更加全麵。新增加的部分包括,有限元方法,格點boltzmann模擬,密度函數理論,量子分子動力學,monte carlo模擬和一維量子係統的對角化。書中囊括瞭瞭物理研究的很多不同方麵和不同計算方法論。如monte carlo方法和分子模擬動力學以及各種電子結構方法論,偏微分方程解方法,格點規範理論。全書都在強調不同物理場中的方法之間的關係,內容較為簡潔明快,具有基本編程,數值分析,場論以及凝聚態理論和統計物理的本科知識背景就可以完全讀懂《計算物理學(第2版)》。不管是理論物理,計算物理還是實驗物理專業的研究生還是科研人員,《計算物理學(第2版)》都相當有參考價值。目次:導論;具有球對稱勢的量子散射;schrdinger方程的變分大法;hartree-fock方法;密度函數理論;周期性固態schr.dinger方程解法;經典平衡態統計力學;分子動力學模擬;量子分子動力學;monte carlo方法;變換矩陣和自鏇鏈的對角化;量子monte carlo方法,偏微分方程的有限元方法,流體力學的lattice boltzmann方法,格點場論的計算方法;高效能計算和並行法;附:數值法;隨機數發生器。
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