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Ready Player One

Cline, Ernest 作者
2011-8 出版日期
0 頁數
289.00元 價格
9780307913142 圖書編碼

Ready Player One 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科幻  有聲書  by_德尼  Scifi  Audiobks   

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x1.5還能遛狗毫無壓力。整個設定就是社恐孤寂程序員用天價遺産賣安利,洗腦一代玩傢——見過比這還喪心病狂(好笑)的事嗎。Will Wheaton讀「投票就選WW」hhhh(作者放棄齣版商讓他親自讀的offer,堅持選Wheaton讀。非常明智。)還變身奧特曼!還you are a man with honor! 啊我的老天。街機、冒險遊戲、三句不離(硬塞的)80年代宅男梗就更不用說。可是哪怕歌頌瞭幾百頁VR,終章落腳點是「還是老婆孩子熱炕頭的現實日子要緊」(無法原諒!!)—— 所以你這是不是要培養精神分裂。(因老婆是托迷,把傢建成Rivendell……??(我看爽瞭我也要說:這書有病。


x1.5還能遛狗毫無壓力。整個設定就是社恐孤寂程序員用天價遺産賣安利,洗腦一代玩傢——見過比這還喪心病狂(好笑)的事嗎。Will Wheaton讀「投票就選WW」hhhh(作者放棄齣版商讓他親自讀的offer,堅持選Wheaton讀。非常明智。)還變身奧特曼!還you are a man with honor! 啊我的老天。街機、冒險遊戲、三句不離(硬塞的)80年代宅男梗就更不用說。可是哪怕歌頌瞭幾百頁VR,終章落腳點是「還是老婆孩子熱炕頭的現實日子要緊」(無法原諒!!)—— 所以你這是不是要培養精神分裂。(因老婆是托迷,把傢建成Rivendell……??(我看爽瞭我也要說:這書有病。


x1.5還能遛狗毫無壓力。整個設定就是社恐孤寂程序員用天價遺産賣安利,洗腦一代玩傢——見過比這還喪心病狂(好笑)的事嗎。Will Wheaton讀「投票就選WW」hhhh(作者放棄齣版商讓他親自讀的offer,堅持選Wheaton讀。非常明智。)還變身奧特曼!還you are a man with honor! 啊我的老天。街機、冒險遊戲、三句不離(硬塞的)80年代宅男梗就更不用說。可是哪怕歌頌瞭幾百頁VR,終章落腳點是「還是老婆孩子熱炕頭的現實日子要緊」(無法原諒!!)—— 所以你這是不是要培養精神分裂。(因老婆是托迷,把傢建成Rivendell……??(我看爽瞭我也要說:這書有病。



Ready Player One 在線電子書 著者簡介


Ready Player One 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Ready Player One 在線電子書 圖書描述

At once wildly original and stuffed with irresistible nostalgia, READY PLAYER ONE is a spectacularly genre-busting, ambitious, and charming debut—part quest novel, part love story, and part virtual space opera set in a universe where spell-slinging mages battle giant Japanese robots, entire planets are inspired by Blade Runner, and flying DeLoreans achieve light speed.

It’s the year 2044, and the real world is an ugly place.

Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes his grim surroundings by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia that lets you be anything you want to be, a place where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets.

And like most of humanity, Wade dreams of being the one to discover the ultimate lottery ticket that lies concealed within this virtual world.For somewhere inside this giant networked playground, OASIS creator James Halliday has hidden a series of fiendish puzzles that will yield massive fortune—and remarkable power—to whoever can unlock them.

For years, millions have struggled fruitlessly to attain this prize, knowing only that Halliday’s riddles are based in the pop culture he loved—that of the late twentieth century.And for years, millions have found in this quest another means of escape, retreating into happy, obsessive study of Halliday’s icons. Like many of his contemporaries, Wade is as comfortable debating the finer points of John Hughes’s oeuvre, playing Pac-Man, or reciting Devo lyrics as he is scrounging power to run his OASIS rig.

And then Wade stumbles upon the first puzzle.

Suddenly the whole world is watching, and thousands of competitors join the hunt—among them certain powerful players who are willing to commit very real murder to beat Wade to this prize. Now the only way for Wade to survive and preserve everything he knows is to win. But to do so, he may have to leave behind his oh-so-perfect virtual existence and face up to life—and love—in the real world he’s always been so desperate to escape.

A world at stake.

A quest for the ultimate prize.

Are you ready?--From the Hardcover edition.

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Ready Player One 在線電子書 讀後感



What a sad way to end the year and decade. This book is precisely why I should avoid overly hyped up YA novels. Now, before I go on and rant for a bit, please, please be aware that everything is my own opinion. As people say, art is subjective and everyo...


科幻世界总是把大长篇拆成上下部,这是营销策略。但是这么多年,让我真正牵挂的寥寥可数,其中之一便是玩家一号。 首先赞一下翻译,这哥们太逗了,虽然手里没原文,单就译文的流畅程度、紧跟潮流的网络用语、酣畅淋漓的阅读体验……点32个赞。 这部小说用一句话概括:屌丝男...  


前段时间电影《头号玩家》刚上映的时候,我到电影院去观看了这部现象级影片,电影特效超赞,动作场面炫酷,几乎完美的为我们呈现了一个令人向往的世界——绿洲。 电影非常好看,有无数彩蛋,我刷了两遍,但因为对八十年代流行文化的了解并不多,所以这些彩蛋我能找出来的很少,...  


觉得书里还有很多有意思的梗,电影里没有体现出来,所以大概搜集下,列出来,应该还不全,希望大家补充。 主人公的名字帕西法尔出自亚瑟王传说,是著名的圆桌武士中找到圣杯的骑士,侯麦拍过同名电影。 [帕西法尔] 有一个重要设定,电影里好像没提及,绿洲里分为PVE区和PVP区,...  

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