Sketch for a Self-Analysis 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025

Sketch for a Self-Analysis

Pierre Bourdieu 作者
University of Chicago Press
Richard Nice 译者
2008-6 出版日期
128 页数
USD 69.00 价格
9780745635262 图书编码

Sketch for a Self-Analysis 在线电子书 图书标签: 社会学  布尔迪厄  开卷八分钟  PierreBourdieu  開卷八分鐘  社會學  法國  法国   

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Sketch for a Self-Analysis 在线电子书 用户评价


“There are many intellectuals who call the world into question, but there are very few intellectuals who call the intellectual world into question. One cannot dare to do so without running the risk of having the weapons of objectivation turned back on oneself.”It's a self-discovery book that recognizes one's own sufferings&realistic identification.


“There are many intellectuals who call the world into question, but there are very few intellectuals who call the intellectual world into question. One cannot dare to do so without running the risk of having the weapons of objectivation turned back on oneself.”It's a self-discovery book that recognizes one's own sufferings&realistic identification.


如果背景知识不够(比如我),挺过了前40页,就开始比较好读了。一:这不是自传。二:1950s他初入时,学术界的状况,学术机制,哲学最高,萨特,50年代转向70年代,社会学如何不受待见。三:1、2.批评萨特,回忆Canguilhem。3.阿尔及利亚经验;4.单身者舞会三篇文章;5.与美国社会学;6.与哲学、结构主义,与福柯的异同。四:家庭、寄宿学校、分裂的惯习和行为。五:为什么、为了谁写?前一段跟 The scholastic point of view 里一致;后一段说是给年轻人写:sympraxie而非sympathie、学术人物也是人。


“There are many intellectuals who call the world into question, but there are very few intellectuals who call the intellectual world into question. One cannot dare to do so without running the risk of having the weapons of objectivation turned back on oneself.”It's a self-discovery book that recognizes one's own sufferings&realistic identification.


“There are many intellectuals who call the world into question, but there are very few intellectuals who call the intellectual world into question. One cannot dare to do so without running the risk of having the weapons of objectivation turned back on oneself.”It's a self-discovery book that recognizes one's own sufferings&realistic identification.

Sketch for a Self-Analysis 在线电子书 著者简介

皮埃尔•布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu,1930年8月1日—2002年1月23日),是当代法国著名的社会学家,思想家和文化理论批评家。1954年他毕业于巴黎高等师范学院,1956年应征入伍,在阿尔及利亚服役两年。1964年回到巴黎,于1975年创办《社会科学研究行动》(Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales)。1982年成为法兰西学院唯一的社会学教授,社会科学高等学院(Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales)学术总监。主要著作有《实践理论大纲》《艺术的规则》《帕斯卡式的沉思》《男性统治》《区隔》等。

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Sketch for a Self-Analysis 在线电子书 图书描述

Over the past four decades, French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu produced one of the most imaginative and subtle bodies of social theory of the postwar era. When he died in 2002, he was considered to be the most influential sociologist in the world and a thinker on a par with Foucault and Lévi-Strauss—a public intellectual as important to his generation as Sartre was to his.

Sketch for a Self-Analysis is the ultimate outcome of Bourdieu’s lifelong preoccupation with reflexivity. Vehemently not an autobiography, this unique book is instead an application of Bourdieu’s theories to his own life and intellectual trajectory; along the way it offers compelling and intimate insights into the most important French intellectuals of the time—including Foucault, Sartre, Aron, Althusser, and de Beauvoir—as well as Bourdieu’s own formative experiences at boarding school and his moral outrage at the colonial war in Algeria.

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Sketch for a Self-Analysis 在线电子书 读后感


社会学分析排除心理学,几个情绪变化除外。——皮埃尔•布尔迪厄,《备课笔记》 布尔迪厄的这部著作撰7写于2001年10月到12月间——但他多年以来致力于此并深思之,他尤其要思考适于赋予它的形式——,这部著作始于他在法兰西学院的最后课程,是按照《科学的科学与反思性》最...  





自我分析与分析自我—— 《纲要》中的布迪厄与其社会学思想浅议 引子: ...为了提供一个作为客观化工作的核心的自我分析与分析之间的“辩证”关系的例子,我可以在这里介绍一下写作《学术人》(1984)之前所作的调查研究的整个历史过程... ——布迪厄:为什么社会科学应该以自...  


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