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Principles of Economics

Mankiw, N. Gregory 作者
South-Western, Division of Thomson Learning
2011-5-23 出版日期
896 頁數
1643.20元 價格
9780538453424 圖書編碼

Principles of Economics 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 經濟學  Economics  曼昆  英文原版  經濟  自學計劃  ECONOMY  課本   

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DSME1030 - Economics for Business Studies I; DSME1040 - Economics for Business Studies II







Principles of Economics 在線電子書 著者簡介

N. Gregory Mankiw is Professor of Economics at Harvard University. As a student, he studied economics at Princeton University and MIT. As a teacher, he has taught macroeconomics, microeconomics, statistics, and principles of economics. He even spent one summer long ago as a sailing instructor on Long Beach Island.

Professor Mankiw is a prolific writer and a regular participant in academic and policy debates. His research includes work on price adjustment, consumer behavior, financial markets, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth. His published articles have appeared in academic journals, such as the "American Economic Review", "Journal of Political Economy", and "Quarterly Journal of Economics", and in more widely accessible forums, such as "The New York Times", "The Washington Post", "The Wall Street Journal", and "Fortune".

He has written two popular textbooks--the intermediate-level textbook Macroeconomics (Worth Publishers) and the introductory textbook Principles of Economics (South-Western/Thomson). Principles of Economics has sold over a million copies and has been translated into twenty languages.

In addition to his teaching, research, and writing, Professor Mankiw has been a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, an adviser to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Congressional Budget Office, and a member of the ETS test development committee for the advanced placement exam in economics. From 2003 to 2005 he served as Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers.

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Principles of Economics 在線電子書 圖書描述

PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, 6e, International Edition became a best seller after its introduction and continues to be the most popular and widely used text in the economics classroom. Instructors found it the perfect complement to their teaching. A text by a superb writer and economist that stressed the most important concepts without overwhelming students with an excess of detail was a formula that was quickly imitated, but has yet to be matched. The sixth edition features a strong revision of content in all thirty-six chapters. Dozens of new applications emphasize the real-world relevance of economics for today’s students through interesting news articles, realistic case studies, and engaging problems. The premier ancillary package is the most extensive in the industry, using a team of instructors/preparers that have been with the project since the first edition. The text material is again fully integrated into Aplia, the best-selling online homework solution. “I have tried to put myself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. My goal is to emphasize the material that students should and do find interesting about the study of the economy.”--N. Gregory Mankiw.


The sixth edition will be available with the most advanced new products for student and instructor choice, engagement, and outcomes. Aplia, the best-selling online homework solution. CourseMate is a new product that integrates a digital edition of the textbook with a suite of student engagement tools such as video, graphing practice, tutorials, games, and more. CourseMate also includes Engagement Tracker, which lets professors see which of the resources students are actually using.

The new sixth edition of PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, 6e, International Edition contains extensively updated coverage of areas impacted by the financial crisis.

New “Problems and Applications” appear throughout the sixth edition, providing an effective, integrated way for students to assess their mastery of the material and to review more efficiently for assignments and exams.

New to this Edition

The sixth edition will be available with the most advanced new products for student and instructor choice, engagement, and outcomes. Aplia, the best-selling online homework solution. CourseMate is a new product that integrates a digital edition of the textbook with a suite of student resources and tools such as video, graphing practice, tutorials, games, and more.

The new sixth edition of PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, 6e, International Edition contains extensively updated coverage of areas impacted by the financial crisis.

New “Problems and Applications” appear throughout the sixth edition, providing an effective, integrated way for students to assess their mastery of the material and to review more efficiently for assignments and exams.

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Principles of Economics 在線電子書 讀後感


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一定要配合习题来做,不然就和看故事书一样没啥感觉,看完就没印象了 明显一坐习题立马之前的章节就感觉挺模糊的,汗。  



无论哪个大学的地摊上,有两种非考级、考研类盗版书是必备的。一是标准日本语,一是经济学原理。 虽然四六级乃至整个中国的外语(英语)教育一直为人诟病,但对于学好外语,大部分人其实报有很大热情。一个人其他的东西一无是处,只要精通外语的话,还是会被列入牛人的行列。...  


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