Finance and the Good Society 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Finance and the Good Society

Robert J. Shiller 作者
Princeton University Press
2012-3-20 出版日期
304 頁數
USD 24.95 價格
9780691154886 圖書編碼

Finance and the Good Society 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 金融  Robert_Shiller  經濟學  finance  英文原版  社會學  RobertShiller  美國   

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Finance and the Good Society 在線電子書 用戶評價


It is a book for general audience with explanations to common bias against financial world.


刷新你對金融學的理解。finance contributes to a good society.各個role的職責和發展曆史作用都有講


讀的算是第一本經濟學的書(上一本是Thinking, Fast and Slow,當心理跟行為看…)。總的來說,開瞭眼界,很開心(重點)。這本書展現的是big picture,經濟,市場對這個社會的作用以及影響。對金融工具的描述很有趣,尤其是聽到作者拼命呐喊著(誤)金融工具真的對社會很狠狠有用!!做金融可以齣於使命感而不是單純賺錢!覺得很可愛哈哈…(BTW,我信他)。慢慢練習從另外一個角度去看這個社會,去思考概率、風險跟迴報,社會發展、社會平等~除瞭哲學跟社會學的角度以外第一次看到各種問題的另一麵~很開心!書裏麵的描述有些是關於統計的,不知道是不是因為因為本身做的東西跟統計和誤差有點聯係所以比較容易get到他所描述的理想的社會(完善的金融係統多種多樣的工具),覺得好像不錯耶www~





Finance and the Good Society 在線電子書 著者簡介

Robert J. Shiller is the author of Irrational Exuberance and The Subprime Solution, and the coauthor, with George A. Akerlof, of Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism (all Princeton). He is the Arthur M. Okun Professor of Economics at Yale University.

Finance and the Good Society 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Finance and the Good Society 在線電子書 圖書描述

The reputation of the financial industry could hardly be worse than it is today in the painful aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. New York Times best-selling economist Robert Shiller is no apologist for the sins of finance--he is probably the only person to have predicted both the stock market bubble of 2000 and the real estate bubble that led up to the subprime mortgage meltdown. But in this important and timely book, Shiller argues that, rather than condemning finance, we need to reclaim it for the common good. He makes a powerful case for recognizing that finance, far from being a parasite on society, is one of the most powerful tools we have for solving our common problems and increasing the general well-being. We need more financial innovation--not less--and finance should play a larger role in helping society achieve its goals.

Challenging the public and its leaders to rethink finance and its role in society, Shiller argues that finance should be defined not merely as the manipulation of money or the management of risk but as the stewardship of society's assets. He explains how people in financial careers--from CEO, investment manager, and banker to insurer, lawyer, and regulator--can and do manage, protect, and increase these assets. He describes how finance has historically contributed to the good of society through inventions such as insurance, mortgages, savings accounts, and pensions, and argues that we need to envision new ways to rechannel financial creativity to benefit society as a whole.

Ultimately, Shiller shows how society can once again harness the power of finance for the greater good.


"Finance and the Good Society is a provocative call for understanding, then reinventing finance as a force that could create inclusive prosperity. Shiller acknowledges the excesses, inequalities, and unfortunate incentives to sleaziness in the current financial system but says it doesn't have to be that way. An important book for those who seek change."--Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and author of SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profit, Growth, and Social Good

"Drawing from history, economic theory, and keen observation of our economy, Robert Shiller brings a fresh perspective to a big issue--the role of finance in our society. He urges us to overcome the popular misperception that all finance is sleazy and to think broadly about how we can harness its power for the benefit of society as a whole."--Darrell Duffie, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

"Many MBA students are fascinated by the world of finance but wary of entering it because they perceive it as declining and marred by unethical behavior. This book will show them why finance is and should be a vital part of the good society's solution, rather than its problem. No other book does this with more authority or credibility."--Shlomo Maital, professor emeritus, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

"This is an overflowing feast of ideas and facts--from Adam Smith to neuroscience to casino design--that will convince intelligent readers who think of finance as an arcane subject that it is not just interesting but even entertaining."--Robert Wade, London School of Economics and Political Science

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金融对社会发展到底有多大价值?非金融行业的人往往会对金融业的人带有偏见,难怪,一个不生产实体产品的部门,缺在经济生活中发挥这么大的作用,的确让人感到奇怪。 本书剖析了金融如何对社会产生好的价值。不仅从金融各类从业人员去分析,而且从金融投机、泡沫、财富不均等各...


金融业曾经是我们这个星球最光鲜夺目的身份标识:精英汇聚的商业团队,优越舒适的办公环境,高到令人咋舌的丰厚薪酬,以及举手投足间对宏观经济施加的重大影响,一切都在堆砌金融业神话的出笼。 时至今日,金融业已然卸去往日萦绕的诸多光环,反倒成为悲情剧的主角。自...  


9p 身处金融和非金融领域的人们都有一个共同的使命,那就是互相帮助,从而发现并了解经济体系存在的意义及其扮演的社会角色。 10p 为一个行动提供金融服务(finance)就是在未取得行动的最终目标(finis)构建可行的方案,其中就包括充分的管理保护和保存相应的资产,使得这些资产...  

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