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Futures Past

Reinhart Koselleck 作者
The MIT Press
Keith Tribe 译者
1990-8-15 出版日期
356 页数
USD 40.00 价格
The MIT Press Classics Series 丛书系列
9780262610681 图书编码

Futures Past 在线电子书 图书标签: Koselleck  思想史  科塞雷克  历史  History  欧洲史  历史哲学  概念史   

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Futures Past 在线电子书 著者简介

Reinhart Koselleck (23 April 1923 – 3 February 2006) was a German historian, considered as one of the most important historians of the twentieth century. He was a professor of historical theory at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Koselleck held an original position in the historical discipline and was not part of any historical 'school', working in such varied fields as conceptual history (Begriffsgeschichte), the epistemology of history, linguistics, the foundations of an anthropology of history and social history, the history of law and the history of government.

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Futures Past 在线电子书 图书描述

Modernity in the late eighteenth century transformed all domains of European life -intellectual, industrial, and social. Not least affected was the experience of time itself: ever-accelerating change left people with briefer intervals of time in which to gather new experiences and adapt. In this provocative and erudite book Reinhart Koselleck, a distinguished philosopher of history, explores the concept of historical time by posing the question: what kind of experience is opened up by the emergence of modernity? Relying on an extraordinary array of witnesses and texts from politicians, philosophers, theologians, and poets to Renaissance paintings and the dreams of German citizens during the Third Reich, Koselleck shows that, with the advent of modernity, the past and the future became 'relocated' in relation to each other.The promises of modernity -freedom, progress, infinite human improvement -produced a world accelerating toward an unknown and unknowable future within which awaited the possibility of achieving utopian fulfillment. History, Koselleck asserts, emerged in this crucial moment as a new temporality providing distinctly new ways of assimilating experience. In the present context of globalization and its resulting crises, the modern world once again faces a crisis in aligning the experience of past and present. To realize that each present was once an imagined future may help us once again place ourselves within a temporality organized by human thought and humane ends as much as by the contingencies of uncontrolled events.

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Futures Past 在线电子书 读后感


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...

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