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In an Uncertain World

Robert Rubin 作者
Random House Trade Paperbacks
2004-9-7 出版日期
472 頁數
USD 18.00 價格
9780375757303 圖書編碼

In an Uncertain World 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記  金融  華爾街  人物  英文原版  經濟  管理  Finance   

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In an Uncertain World 在線電子書 用戶評價




Some parts are really difficult to read, some parts are very interesting. In general, worths my time. [2018 book 1]






Think in long term!

In an Uncertain World 在線電子書 著者簡介

羅伯特·魯賓(Robert Rubin):花旗銀行執行董事會主席,美國剋林頓時期財政部長(1995—1999),高盛公司董事會主席(1990—1992)。作者呈現給讀者的是一本“藉自傳形式介紹政策的書籍”。書中以很短的篇幅迴憶瞭童年時代和求學曆程,隨後描述他人生經曆中的華彩篇章(高盛—白宮—花旗),闡述瞭他所篤信的“或然性理論”,也從一個側麵講述瞭美國前總統剋林頓的工作和生活。

In an Uncertain World 在線電子書 著者簡介

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In an Uncertain World 在線電子書 圖書描述

Robert Rubin was sworn in as the seventieth U.S. Secretary of the Treasury in January 1995 in a brisk ceremony attended only by his wife and a few colleagues. As soon as the ceremony was over, he began an emergency meeting with President Bill Clinton on the financial crisis in Mexico. This was not only a harbinger of things to come during what would prove to be a rocky period in the global economy; it also captured the essence of Rubin himself--short on formality, quick to get into the nitty-gritty.

From his early years in the storied arbitrage department at Goldman Sachs to his current position as chairman of the executive committee of Citigroup, Robert Rubin has been a major figure at the center of the American financial system. He was a key player in the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. With In an Uncertain World , Rubin offers a shrewd, keen analysis of some of the most important events in recent American history and presents a clear, consistent approach to thinking about markets and dealing with the new risks of the global economy.

Rubin's fundamental philosophy is that nothing is provably certain. Probabilistic thinking has guided his career in both business and government. We see that discipline at work in meetings with President Clinton and Hillary Clinton, Chinese premier Zhu Rongji, Alan Greenspan, Lawrence Summers, Newt Gingrich, Sanford Weill, and the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan. We see Rubin apply it time and again while facing financial crises in Asia, Russia, and Brazil; the federal government shutdown; the rise and fall of the stock market; the challenges of the post-September 11 world; the ongoing struggle over fiscal policy; and many other momentous economic and political events.

With a compelling and candid voice and a sharp eye for detail, Rubin portrays the daily life of the White House-confronting matters both mighty and mundane--as astutely as he examines the challenges that lie ahead for the nation. Part political memoir, part prescriptive economic analysis, and part personal look at business problems, In an Uncertain World is a deep examination of Washington and Wall Street by a figure who for three decades has been at the center of both worlds.

From the Hardcover edition.

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In an Uncertain World 在線電子書 讀後感


书还没读完。 对于“或然性”, 如果只是总结为“不确定性”对于这本书,未免过于浅薄。 作者表示他读书的时候并没有想到他会做财长,这是一种或然性,然而并非如此。作者在读书的时候就喜欢哲学政治。从事法学是为了拓宽就业选择。从事金融是觉得钱多有趣,然而从新走入政坛...  


鲁宾将这个世界描述为复杂而不确定的,并以此为生活理念来生活,甚至写书,鲁宾被称为自汉密尔顿以来最成功的财长,而且你在书中的字里行间可以感觉到这是一个坚持的人,但不固执。 总体来说,如果从传记的角度,写的不是很精彩,至少没有前些日子我看过的格雷厄姆写的...  


翻译实在太差 必须读两遍以上 有机会我会认真写书评的 第一在豆瓣写评论 难道还有长度限制? 这个太烦了 作者: 罗伯特·鲁宾 isbn: 7546403030 书名: 在不确定的世界 页数: 369 定价: 45.00元 出版年: 2011-1  


读完这本书再看中美战略对话,会觉得能够非常清楚的理解政治的背后所深藏的忍俊不禁。 也只有诸如Robin才能把这写的如此生动。很幸运,美国有这样聪明的Robin, 很不幸,美国这样的Robin不多。不过,中国没准就能占个便宜:)  


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