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Straw Dogs

John Gray 作者
Granta Books
2004-05 出版日期
256 頁數
USD 14.95 價格
9781862075962 圖書編碼

Straw Dogs 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 政治哲學  哲學  Josh_Gray  政治種種  e.  USA  JohnGray  John   

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Only if you don't know what flowers, stones and riversare Can you talk about their feelings. To talk about the soul of flowers, stones, and rivers, Is to talk about yourself, about your delusions. Thank god stones are just stones, And rivers just rivers, And flowers just flowers. seekers after inhuman truth there could be no worse nightmares


Only if you don't know what flowers, stones and riversare Can you talk about their feelings. To talk about the soul of flowers, stones, and rivers, Is to talk about yourself, about your delusions. Thank god stones are just stones, And rivers just rivers, And flowers just flowers. seekers after inhuman truth there could be no worse nightmares


Only if you don't know what flowers, stones and riversare Can you talk about their feelings. To talk about the soul of flowers, stones, and rivers, Is to talk about yourself, about your delusions. Thank god stones are just stones, And rivers just rivers, And flowers just flowers. seekers after inhuman truth there could be no worse nightmares


Only if you don't know what flowers, stones and riversare Can you talk about their feelings. To talk about the soul of flowers, stones, and rivers, Is to talk about yourself, about your delusions. Thank god stones are just stones, And rivers just rivers, And flowers just flowers. seekers after inhuman truth there could be no worse nightmares


Only if you don't know what flowers, stones and riversare Can you talk about their feelings. To talk about the soul of flowers, stones, and rivers, Is to talk about yourself, about your delusions. Thank god stones are just stones, And rivers just rivers, And flowers just flowers. seekers after inhuman truth there could be no worse nightmares

Straw Dogs 在線電子書 著者簡介

約翰·格雷(John Gray),英國當代著名哲學傢,曾任牛津大學政治學教授、哈佛大學和耶魯大學訪問教授、倫敦政治經濟學院歐洲思想史教授,被《衛報》稱為“英國最有思想的人”,2014年被《前景》雜誌評為當年世界10大思想傢之一。著作頗豐,重要作品有:《僞黎明:全球資本主義的幻象》《黑彌撒:末日宗教與烏托邦之死》等。

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Straw Dogs 在線電子書 圖書描述

Straw Dogs is an exciting, radical work of philosophy, which sets out to challenge our most cherished assumptions about what it means to be human. From Plato to Christianity, from the Enlightenment to Nietzsche, the Western tradition has been based on the belief that humans are radically different from other animals. Taking inspiration from art, poetry, the frontiers of science, and philosophy itself, John Gray argues that the belief in human difference is an illusion and offers instead a post humanist view of the world. Straw Dogs is an exhilarating, sometimes disturbing, book that explores how the world and human life look once humanism has been finally abandoned.

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