Meditations on First Philosophy 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 哲學 Rene_Descartes 笛卡爾 Descartes philosophy 現代哲學 西方哲學 Philosophy
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Descartes proves that he exists; explains what is the mind; explains what physical things outside the mind would be like were there to exist any; proves the existence of God; establishes the rule about clear and distinct perception; proves that a mind is not identical with any physical thing anywhere in the universe (dualism).
評分讀完清晰明瞭的Descartes以後我覺得我整個人都虛瞭,第一哲學沉思錄作為“我思故我在”的著作簡直代錶瞭Descartes的核心思想和理論,可惜這一時代的哲學傢有兩點讓我很是煩惱:一是總是喜歡提起God這個概念,聯想至宗教概念上的God就很蛋疼;二來總有一些Circular Argument迷糊死人。不過最近連著Descartes一起讀Hume, George Berkeley, Locke很是有參照對比,但還是讀不懂。在哲學方麵萬萬不可自傲纔行 Chris
評分#20-019 Cogito, ergo sum. The obvious criticism of Descartes is based on his premise that infinite ideas cannot be produced by finite beings.
Many other matters respecting the attributes of God and my own nature or mind remain for consideration; but I shall possibly on another occasion resume the investigation of these. Now (after first noting what must be done or avoided, in order to arrive at a knowledge of the truth) my principal task is to endeavour to emerge from the state of doubt into which I have these last days fallen, and to see whether nothing certain can be known regarding material things.
尽管此书的使命仅仅在于执行道德学洞见之后的分工,即对思辨真理之本性的穷尽,但思辨真理与生存真理的区分在书中也时常一再显现。笛卡尔在当时就已从种种反应中理解了其著作的命运,本真的解读对他而言是如此遥远。 译本翻译经院哲学的若干术语时出现了错误,对于深度解读或...
評分 評分Meditation I:普遍怀疑 第一沉思的核心在于“普遍怀疑”。 其目标是为了在科学上建立某种坚定可靠、经久不变的基础,因而需要通过普遍怀疑把过去信以为真的见解统统清除,从根本上重新开始。而在具体方法上,笛卡尔认为不需要通过对一个个具体见解的分析来一一排除,而只...
評分第一个沉思,论可以引起怀疑的事物 感官有时会欺骗我们:梦与现实是难以清楚分辨的。 但即便事实是假的,手脚等事物的组成部分必定为真。就像画像画的事物是假的,但画中的颜色总该是真的。 即便手脚等感官的组成部分也是假的,按照上述原理,总该有更简单的一般东西为真实存...
評分尽管此书的使命仅仅在于执行道德学洞见之后的分工,即对思辨真理之本性的穷尽,但思辨真理与生存真理的区分在书中也时常一再显现。笛卡尔在当时就已从种种反应中理解了其著作的命运,本真的解读对他而言是如此遥远。 译本翻译经院哲学的若干术语时出现了错误,对于深度解读或...
Meditations on First Philosophy 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025