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Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition

Hal R. Varian 作者
W. W. Norton & Company
1992-3-17 出版日期
563 頁數
USD 68.56 價格
9780393957358 圖書編碼

Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 經濟學  微觀經濟學  microeconomics  economics  經濟  教材  varian  微觀經濟學分析   

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Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition 在線電子書 圖書描述

The Third Edition continues to supply the building blocks of microeconomic analysis: a thorough treatment of optimization and equilibrium methods, coupled with numerous examples of their application. The Third Edition expands on the earlier editions in two ways. First, the coverage has been rewritten and rearranged. Second, chapters have been added on game theory, oligopoly, asset markets, and information economics. The new chapters fully update the text, highlighting significant developments of the last decade at a level that is accessible for first-year graduate students.

Microeconomic Analysis has been a fixture of graduate programs in economics for fifteen years. It has held this position because it has the authority, the clarity, and the breadth necessary for a classic text. This new Third Edition continues to supply the building blocks of microeconomic analysis: a thorough treatment of optimization and equilibrium methods, coupled with numerous examples of their application.

The Third Edition expands on the earlier editions in two ways. First, the existing coverage has been rewritten and rearranged. Second, new chapters have been added on game theory, oligopoly, asset markets, and information economics. The rearrangement follows the model of Hal Varian's Intermediate Microeconomics: a number of short chapters, each devoted to a single topic. In fact, the topical division is as close as possible to that of the undergraduate text. This makes it easy to review undergraduate material before moving on to graduate material. The new chapters highlight significant developments in microeconomic theory in the last ten years at a level that is accessible for first-year graduate students.

Classic features:

* Emphasis on the dual approach to consumer and firm behavior.

* Integration of the modem analytic approach with classical price theory

* Analysis of economic behavior using classical methods of comparative statics, duality, and nonparametric methods.

* Emphasis on analytical techniques that are useful in applied research.

Highlights of the revision:

* New chapter on game theory that provides an appropriate introduction for first-year students.

* New chapter on oligopoly that features many of the recent developments in this area.

* New chapter on asset markets that describes "what every economist should know" about the theory of financial markets.

* New chapter on information economics that provides a unified treatment of incentives and markets in the presence of information asymmetries.

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Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition 在線電子書 讀後感


自MWG出版后,这本书的价值就被严重低估!在读了一部分MWG以后,个人觉得,这才是真正值得博士生学习的高微1教材(CH1-11;CH17-8;CH21-22)。 因为,Varian在全书中贯彻一种真正需要微观经济学家关注的东西:如何从“显示偏好理论”反推偏好的一些假设是否成立。MWG大而无当...  


自MWG出版后,这本书的价值就被严重低估!在读了一部分MWG以后,个人觉得,这才是真正值得博士生学习的高微1教材(CH1-11;CH17-8;CH21-22)。 因为,Varian在全书中贯彻一种真正需要微观经济学家关注的东西:如何从“显示偏好理论”反推偏好的一些假设是否成立。MWG大而无当...  


自MWG出版后,这本书的价值就被严重低估!在读了一部分MWG以后,个人觉得,这才是真正值得博士生学习的高微1教材(CH1-11;CH17-8;CH21-22)。 因为,Varian在全书中贯彻一种真正需要微观经济学家关注的东西:如何从“显示偏好理论”反推偏好的一些假设是否成立。MWG大而无当...  


自MWG出版后,这本书的价值就被严重低估!在读了一部分MWG以后,个人觉得,这才是真正值得博士生学习的高微1教材(CH1-11;CH17-8;CH21-22)。 因为,Varian在全书中贯彻一种真正需要微观经济学家关注的东西:如何从“显示偏好理论”反推偏好的一些假设是否成立。MWG大而无当...  


学习高级微观的教材本来是Hugh Gravelle & Ray Rees 的Microeconomics, 但是由于本人水平很有限,读起来实在是晦涩难懂,收获微乎其微,最后转而读老师推荐的另外一本教材,也就是Varian的这本Microeconomic Analysis, 两本书内容相近,相同的知识点在Varian的书上就可以读得懂...

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