The Bourne Identity 在线电子书 图书标签: bourne 小说 Robert_Ludlum 特工 spy 外国文学 fiction 英文原版
The Bourne Identity 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024
怪不得电影看了我两遍才抓住小细节 删了好多啊 还是看书比较不用动脑子~
评分作者真心罗嗦啊 = = 看不下去了
评分好看。电影毕竟只有两小时,电光火石,能把几条片段演绎得淋漓尽致已经难得。小说自然不同。草蛇灰线,伏脉千里,由得作者细细铺陈。原来杀伐决断的Bourne也有无尽的恐惧。原来目光单纯的Marie也有复杂的背景。原来30多年前声名赫赫的“豺狼”卡洛斯的一段野史也能敷衍出惊心动魄的江湖风波。。。。 开始看Bourne Supremacy
罗伯特·勒德拉姆于1927年出生於紐約,在紐澤西長大,畢業於康乃狄克的Chesire學院,於二次大戰時入伍海軍,到過南太平洋服役。他的讀者遍布全球,其 中廿多部作品就被40個國家翻成32種語言,售出超過二億本。其中最為世人熟知的是「伯恩三部曲」,包括The Bourne Identity(1980),The Bourne Supremacy(1986)和The Bourne Ultimatum(1990)。死亡拼圖與地獄兒女其實也是經典之作,讓人無法釋手。2001年3月12日因心臟病突發逝世,享年73歲。
2004 The Tristan Betrayal
2003 The Altman Code
2002 The Janson Directive 傑森命令
2002 The Paris Option
2001 The Sigma Protocol
2001 The Cassandra Compact
2000 The Prometheus Deception
2000 The Hades Factor
1997 The Matarese Countdown 帝國噩夢
1996 The Cry of the Halidon
1995 Apocalypse Watch
1993 Scorpio Illusion
1992 Road to Omaha
1990 The Bourne Ultimatum
1988 The Icarus Agenda
1987 The Matlock Paper 銀色名單
1986 The Bourne Supremacy 神鬼疑雲
1984 The Aquitaine Progression
1982 The Parsifal Mosaic 死亡拼圖
1980 The Bourne Identity 神鬼認證
1979 The Matarese Circle 龍爭虎鬥
1978 The Holcroft Covenant 地獄兒女
1977 The Chancellor Manuscript
1976 The Gemini Contenders
1975 The Road to Gandolfo
1974 The Rhinemann Exchange
1973 Trevayne 刺客任務
1972 The Osterman Weekend 週末大行動
1971 The Scalatti Inheritance
Jason Bourne. He has no past. And he may have no future. His memory is blank. He only knows that he was flushed out of the Mediterranean Sea, his body riddled with bullets. There are a few clues. A frame of microfilm surgically implanted beneath the flesh of his hip. Evidence that plastic surgery has altered his face. Strange things that he says in his delirium -- maybe code words. Initial: "J.B." And a number on the film negative that leads to a Swiss bank account, a fortune of four million dollars, and, at last, a name: Jason Bourne. But now he is marked for death, caught in a maddening puzzle, racing for survival through the deep layers of his buried past into a bizarre world of murderous conspirators -- led by Carlos, the world's most dangerous assassin. And no one can help Jason Bourne but the woman who once wanted to escape him. "Mr. Ludlum stuffs more surprises into his novels than any other six-pack of thriller writers combines." -- The New York Times
或许是我心理太阴暗,所以常常幻想自己变成了一个特工,或者丛林中的猎食者;所以当看到《谍影重重》的时候,当时我就被震惊了。被震惊的原因不是因为我心爱的马特·达蒙,也不是因为这一类间谍特工加悬疑动作的类型片,而是因为人与记忆的纠缠。 想来是一件很奇妙的事。从娘胎...
评分没看过电影《谍影重重》就看《伯恩的身份》感觉是完全不一样的,不用把人物局限在马特-达蒙的框框里,可以展开天马行空的想象。 总体感觉小说非常非常美剧化,开篇抛出一个重磅悬念,然后用整本书慢慢渗透各种线索,但不到最后一刻,坚决不说结局。 当然,没看过电影的弊端是,...
评分在王府井书店看的,一直站着看书挺累,Y的那么大的一个书店连个座位都没有。。。。 言归正传,我是看完谍影重重三部曲电影之后才看书的,书比电影复杂得多,与其说伯恩在寻找身份寻找记忆,不如说是在逃避孤独,从书的第一章开始,就暗示了伯恩的那种孤独的命运,即使伯恩身边...
The Bourne Identity 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024