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The Goal

Eliyahu M. Goldratt 作者
2018-11-28 出版日期
374 頁數
USD 29.95 價格
9780566086656 圖書編碼

The Goal 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 管理  TOC  2013  2004  判斷與決策   

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What makes of a good story? Fascinating and Interesting. for this one, as an outsider, it is boring, but as the insider, it is quite thoughtful and paradoxically fascinating.


What makes of a good story? Fascinating and Interesting. for this one, as an outsider, it is boring, but as the insider, it is quite thoughtful and paradoxically fascinating.


What makes of a good story? Fascinating and Interesting. for this one, as an outsider, it is boring, but as the insider, it is quite thoughtful and paradoxically fascinating.


What makes of a good story? Fascinating and Interesting. for this one, as an outsider, it is boring, but as the insider, it is quite thoughtful and paradoxically fascinating.


What makes of a good story? Fascinating and Interesting. for this one, as an outsider, it is boring, but as the insider, it is quite thoughtful and paradoxically fascinating.

The Goal 在線電子書 著者簡介

Eliyahu M. Goldratt was an educator, author, physicist, philosopher and business leader, but first and foremost, he was a thinker who provoked others to think. Characterized as unconventional, stimulating, and "a slayer of sacred cows," he urged his audience to examine and reassess their business practices with a fresh, new vision.

Dr. Goldratt is best known as the father of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a process of ongoing improvement that continuously identifies and leverages a system’s constraints in order to achieve its goals. He introduced TOC’s underlying concepts in his business novel, The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, which has been recognized as one of the best-selling business books of all time. First published in 1984, The Goal has been updated three times and sold more than 7 million copies worldwide. It has been translated into 32 languages.

Heralded as a "guru to industry" by Fortune magazine and “a genius” by Business Week, Dr. Goldratt continued to advance the TOC body of knowledge throughout his life, building on the Five Focusing Steps (known as the process of ongoing improvement or POOGI) with TOC-derived tools such as Drum-Buffer-Rope, Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) and the Thinking Processes. He authored ten other TOC-related books, including four business novels.

Born in Israel on March 31, 1947, Dr. Goldratt earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Tel Aviv University, and a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy from Bar-Ilan University. He is the founder of TOC for Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing TOC Thinking and TOC tools to teachers and their students, and Goldratt Consulting. In addition to his pioneering work in business management and education, Dr. Goldratt holds patents in a number of areas ranging from medical devices to drip irrigation to temperature sensors. He died on June 11, 2011, at the age of 64.

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The Goal 在線電子書 圖書描述

Alex Rogo is a harried plant manager working ever more desperately to try and improve performance. His factory is rapidly heading for disaster. So is his marriage. He has ninety days to save his plant - or it will be closed by corporate HQ, with hundreds of job losses. It takes a chance meeting with a colleague from student days - Jonah - to help him break out of conventional ways of thinking to see what needs to be done.

Described by Fortune as a 'guru to industry' and by Businessweek as a 'genius', Eliyahu M. Goldratt was an internationally recognized leader in the development of new business management concepts and systems. This 20th anniversary edition includes a series of detailed case study interviews by David Whitford, Editor at Large, Fortune Small Business, which explore how organizations around the world have been transformed by Eli Goldratt's ideas.

The story of Alex's fight to save his plant contains a serious message for all managers in industry and explains the ideas which underline the Theory of Constraints (TOC) developed by Eli Goldratt. Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal is the gripping novel which is transforming management thinking throughout the Western world. It is a book to recommend to your friends in industry - even to your bosses - but not to your competitors!

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The Goal 在線電子書 讀後感


这部书讲的内容不错。 但是这些内容在一般的培训中都已经涵括了,如平衡计分卡之类。实际上如何节约成本,富士康之类代工厂应该做的非常不错的。 有一个想法,一个工厂是否应该作为一家独立公司合算呢?但是定价的权利一般不在工厂这一层次,如成本更高的东西公司销售...  


《目标》 没有绝对的真理。相信绝对的真理只会阻碍我们追求更深入的理解。 生产力代表工作上有所成就。 生产力高的时候,表示你根据目标完成一些事情。生产力是把一个公司带向目标的行动。每个让公司更接近目标的行动都是有生产力的行动。每个不能让公司更接近目标的行动都没有...



这是本有意思的书,试图用小说的形式表达一些常见的思想。文中主角为了改变工厂的困境,提高生产力,通过问题的分析,结合常识,得出生产力就是工厂要赚钱。并进一步引入运营管理的一套衡量指标,即:有效产出(throughput)、存货(inventory)和营运费用(operational expense)。...  


本书以小说的方式向读者介绍TOC约束管理理论(Theory of Constrain),即任何系统都至少存在一个约束,要提高产出,必须不断打破系统约束。 TOC的五大步骤:   第一步,找出(Identify)系统中存在哪些约束。   第二步,最大限度利用(Exploit)瓶颈,即提高瓶颈利用...  

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