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Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?

Louis Gerstner 作者
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
2003-8-4 出版日期
372 頁數
113.00元 價格
9780007170876 圖書編碼

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 管理  英文原版  科技  傳記  dance   

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Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? 在線電子書 著者簡介


郭士納(Lou Gerstner,Jr.),IBM現任董事長、前任CEO。在加盟IBM之前,他是RJR納貝斯剋公司董事長兼CEO。此前還在美國運通公司任總裁11年,兼任其最大的分公司董事長兼CEO此前,他還曾任麥肯锡管理谘詢公司總監。他在達特茅斯學院獲工程學學士學位,在哈佛商學院獲工商管理碩士學位。

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Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? 在線電子書 圖書描述

CEO Louis V. Gerstner Jr.'s memoir about the extraordinary turnaround of IBM and his transformation of the company into the industry leader of the computer age - the great American business story of our time. When Louis V. Gerstner became CEO of IBM in 1993, shares had slumped and the company was on the verge of collapse. Hired for his successful management of RJR Nabisco and American Express, Gerstner had no background in technology, but during his seven-year chairmanship, he transformed the company into the leading force of the computer age. In his frank, direct voice, Gerstner recalls the obstacles he faced: the plans to fragment the company, the inconsistent global policies, the stodgy white-shirt hierarchy and inter-departmental competitiveness and the rapidly declining sales. Within months of joining IBM, Gerstner presented his bold and controversial business strategy. Punitive towards office politics, he revolutionised the company from within, altering an entire corporate culture, divesting billions of dollars in unneeded assets and transforming IBM from a fractured, process-driven business into a nimble, customer-driven enterprise able to respond quickly to the volatile technology market and face down Microsoft and Intel in the internet era. Revealing his tactics step by step, Gerstner spins an engaging narrative that takes the reader behind the curtain into the unbelievable mess he inherited and into the office and mind of a CEO facing the challenge of a lifetime.

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Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? 在線電子書 讀後感


最近在读《谁说大象不能跳舞》-IBM董事长郭士纳自传这本书,让我重新对管理也有了一个看法。 作为一名工程师,总是会有一种对技术的崇拜,觉得世界是被技术改变,各种伟大的技术推动了整个世界的发展。以蒸汽机为主要特征的第一次工业革命、以电力电动机为主要特征的第二次工...


2005年5月1日,中国电脑大腕联想集团正式对外宣布完成收购IBM全球PC业务。这是皆大欢喜的一幕:新联想一跃成为全球第三大PC制造商,而IBM终于在他们的前任董事长郭士纳指引的IT服务转型的道路上义无反顾地轻装前进。 提到IBM,让人想到著名的thinkpad,深蓝的气质,四海...  


我看完整本书后,总结出两个字:执行。 就算是IBM最危险的时候,已经有了很好的技术、产品在后面等着。 只是因为IBM太臃肿,忽略了将创新更快的与市场结合。当他大刀阔斧的将既有的技术和产品推广开来,当中碰到任何阻挡,绝不手软,并为受到过去IBM的文化影响,执行到底,使得...  


根据菲利普·莫里斯的说法,来自烟草行业的营业收入也因为RJR纳贝斯克杠杆收购后不久所造成的价格战而备受压力。在这里,菲利普·莫里斯只不过是按照麦当劳创始人雷·克罗克的建议行事——“当你看见自己的竞争对手快要淹死的时候,应该赶快抓起消防水龙头并放到他嘴里。” 莫...  


《谁说大象不能跳舞》总括 这是一本经典的书籍,一本为数不多的经典自传类书籍!值得几遍、几十遍的阅读。虽然我的第一次阅读我没有太多的感悟,这并不是因为书籍的经典程度和精彩程度不足,而是我的水平和视野不到,因为我还没有到达一定层次,没有真正深入思考更多的关于企业...  

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