Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Computer Science Illuminated

Nell Dale 作者
Jones & Bartlett Learning
2012-2-17 出版日期
672 頁數
USD 145.95 價格
9781449672843 圖書編碼

Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 邏輯清晰  計算機科學  計算機  簡單易懂  內容廣  Science  Illuminated  Computer   

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Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 用戶評價


2016-9:2 用作教材,但是此類書的通病,就是包羅萬象,內容繁雜,散落的知識點較多。


你拍一,我拍一,零基礎學計算機。六百頁的篇幅想覆蓋整個CS領域,結果隻能是啥都講不瞭,輕輕點一下就得說“好瞭我們不做深入介紹”然後講新話題。就拿前麵機器語言的部分來說,明顯沒能做到像Charles Petzold 寫的Code那樣引人入勝。


你拍一,我拍一,零基礎學計算機。六百頁的篇幅想覆蓋整個CS領域,結果隻能是啥都講不瞭,輕輕點一下就得說“好瞭我們不做深入介紹”然後講新話題。就拿前麵機器語言的部分來說,明顯沒能做到像Charles Petzold 寫的Code那樣引人入勝。


你拍一,我拍一,零基礎學計算機。六百頁的篇幅想覆蓋整個CS領域,結果隻能是啥都講不瞭,輕輕點一下就得說“好瞭我們不做深入介紹”然後講新話題。就拿前麵機器語言的部分來說,明顯沒能做到像Charles Petzold 寫的Code那樣引人入勝。


你拍一,我拍一,零基礎學計算機。六百頁的篇幅想覆蓋整個CS領域,結果隻能是啥都講不瞭,輕輕點一下就得說“好瞭我們不做深入介紹”然後講新話題。就拿前麵機器語言的部分來說,明顯沒能做到像Charles Petzold 寫的Code那樣引人入勝。

Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 著者簡介

Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 圖書描述

Revised and updated with the latest information in the field, the Fifth Edition of best-selling Computer Science Illuminated continues to provide students with an engaging breadth-first overview of computer science principles and provides a solid foundation for those continuing their study in this dynamic and exciting discipline. Authored by two of today's most respected computer science educators, Nell Dale and John Lewis, the text carefully unfolds the many layers of computing from a language-neutral perspective, beginning with the information layer, progressing through the hardware, programming, operating systems, application, and communication layers, and ending with a discussion on the limitations of computing. Separate program language chapters are available as bundle items for instructors who would like to explore a particular programming language with their students. Ideal for introductory computing and computer science courses, the fifth edition's thorough presentation of computing systems provides computer science majors with a solid foundation for further study, and offers non-majors a comprehensive and complete introduction to computing. New Features of the Fifth Edition: - A new chapter on computer security provides readers with the latest information on preventing unauthorized access; types of malware and anti-virus software; protecting online information, including data collection issues with Facebook, Google, etc.; security issues with mobile and portable devices; and more. - A NEW section on cloud computing offers readers an overview of the latest way in which businesses and users interact with computers and mobile devices. - The section on social networks has been rewritten to include up-to-date information, including new data on Google+ and Facebook. - The sections covering HTML have been updated to include HTML5. - Revised and updated Did You Know callouts are included in the chapter margins. - The updated Ethical Issues at the end of each chapter have been revised to tie the content to the tenth strand recommended by the ACM, which stresses the importance of computer ethics. Accompanied by a comprehensive suite of instructor resources including answers to the end of chapter exercises, answers to the optional lab exercises, PowerPoint Lecture Outlines, Image Bank, and a complete Test Bank. Every new copy is packaged with full student access code to the robust Companion Website featuring: Animated Flashcards; Relevant Web Links; Crossword Puzzles; Interactive Glossary; Digital Lab Manual; R. Mark Meyer's labs, Explorations in Computer Science; Additional programming chapters, including Alice, C++, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, and VB.NET; C++ Language Essentials labs; Java Language Essentials labs; Link to Download Pep/8

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Computer Science Illuminated 在線電子書 讀後感


个人推荐指数五星,这是我所看有关计介绍计算机里最全面的书,推荐给高三毕业的学生,大一的学生与立志转行程序员的人读一读,而我只是随便瞎翻一翻,当一当科普书籍,也能知道一些以前不太懂的概念。去思考自身,你适不适合当一个程序员。 之前知道一些关于类,对象,动作,选...


作为读书笔记,为回头再看做个注脚。 第一次看第四章“门和电路”压力很大,特别是介绍S-R锁存器的部分,我直接被绕晕,无法理解其将输出结果作为输入的整个过程。看了《编码》这本书以后,心里的疑惑终于解开了一点。此时回过头来再看本书的第五章“计算部件”就轻松多了,各...  




作为读书笔记,为回头再看做个注脚。 第一次看第四章“门和电路”压力很大,特别是介绍S-R锁存器的部分,我直接被绕晕,无法理解其将输出结果作为输入的整个过程。看了《编码》这本书以后,心里的疑惑终于解开了一点。此时回过头来再看本书的第五章“计算部件”就轻松多了,各...  


看的中文版,有人说这本书翻译的不好。那个时候我正看到第四章,我说没有啊,一口气读下来的,还没看到翻译很蹩脚的地方。然后在读几章,发现开始有比较蹩脚的地方了,不知道是神马原因。然后最后几章又状态回归了。 扯了很多废话,其实是想说中文版的也能读。 这是本科普读物...  

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