Weapons of the Weak 在线电子书 图书标签: 社会学 人类学 Scott 比较政治 政治 历史 阶级斗争 英文原版
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评分四星半。完全是一个在葛兰西/马克思框架下阶级结构和文化霸权的传统下的东西,生产关系变化历史变迁中意识形态/霸权和社会运动之间的dynamics。这是发展研究课上的阅读,但我读下来感觉这个ethnography更像是在跟比较历史和宏大理论对话:怎样用一地的经验映照到更为宏阔的理论,怎样理解现代化,或者确切的说农业技术的引进带来的阶级结构的变化,两个阶级的两种历史叙述、文化构建、话语认知在更新和重构,所谓的日常抗争概念,更不如说是作者重构的理论中,subordinate class的阶级文化,意识形态与行动之间的关系之后才申发表征出来的一个说法。核心论述绝对不在看上去像是的第二章啊,而是在从第五章一直到第六章第七章意思顺延下来的第八章,对霸权理论的批判和重构。
James C. Scott is the Sterling Professor of Political Science, professor of anthropology, and codirector of the Agrariane, professor of anthropology, and codirector of the Agrarian Studies Program at Yale University. His books include "Seei Studies Program at Yale University. His books include "Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Cong Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed"; "Domination and the Arts of Resistancendition Have Failed"; "Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts"; and most recently, "The Art of Not Be: Hidden Transcripts"; and most recently, "The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia.ing Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia." He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science" He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a mediocre part-time farmer and beekeeper. s and a mediocre part-time farmer and beekeeper.
Weapons of the Weak is an ethnography by James C. Scott that studies the effects of the Green Revolution in rural Malaysia. One of the main objectives of the study is to make an argument that the Marxian and Gramscian ideas of false consciousness and hegemony are incorrect. He develops this conclusion throughout the book, through the different scenarios and characters that come up during his time of fieldwork in the village. This publication, based on 2 years of fieldwork (1978-1980), focuses on the local class relations in a small rice farming community of 70 households in the main paddy-growing area of Kedah in Malaysia. Introduction of the Green Revolution in 1976 eliminated 2/3 of the wage-earning opportunities for smallholders and landless laborers. The main ensuing class struggle is analyzed being the ideological struggle in the village and the practice of resistance itself consisting of: foot-dragging, dissimulation, desertion, false compliance, pilfering, feigned ignorance and sabotage acts. Rich and poor are engaged in an unremitting if silent struggle to define changes in land tenure, mechanization and employment to advance their own interests, and to use values that they share to control the distribution of status, land, work and grain.
评分草草翻完。 觉得中国土改和这本书中的农民反抗经验参差互见,都涉及到了农民主体的问题,值得再次细读。对70年代美国农民革命研究值得继续涉猎。 现有几笔偶得,匆匆写下。1,Weapons of the weak当然应该翻译成弱者的武器,不过我以为这里的复数是重要的。正是这里的复数,契...
评分1、“弱者”是指什么? 马来西亚赛达卡村庄的穷人。 2、弱者的“武器”是什么? 实际上指的是赛达卡村庄农民反抗的日常形式。包括偷懒、装糊涂、开小差、假装顺从、偷懒、装疯卖傻、诽谤、纵火、暗中破坏等。农民的日常反抗可以适用于阶级分析法吗?在作者看来,似乎不...
评分黄湘 说到资本主义对传统乡村社会的破坏,马克思曾在《资本论》里做过如下论断:“新被解放 的人只有在他们被剥夺了一切生产资料和旧封建制度给予他们的一切生存保障之后,才能成为他们自身的出卖者,而对他们的这种剥夺的历史是用血和火的文字载入人类编年史的。”可以说,...
评分《弱者的武器》成书结构 A两个故事延伸出话题 B将社会学的想象力实证出来。介绍广阔的社会背景,力图在历史的纵向和横向环境中描摹出社会的全貌,经济的、社会的、文化的。 C在B的细致社会中,将以往被人们忽视的农民们一些上不得台面的行为,定义为斗争,并确定它们的表现形式...
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