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R for Everyone

Jared P. Lander 作者
Addison-Wesley Professional
2013-12-29 出版日期
464 頁數
USD 39.99 價格
9780321888037 圖書編碼

R for Everyone 在線電子書 圖書標籤: R  統計學  programming  統計  數據分析  編程  Statistics  程序設計   

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R for Everyone 在線電子書 用戶評價


後麵幾章都略過瞭,有空再好好消化 本書好多ggplot2的例子 ,書真的寫的不錯


比R in action作圖部分講得更好,更新一點兒,有許多ggplot2的實例,非常實用




後麵幾章都略過瞭,有空再好好消化 本書好多ggplot2的例子 ,書真的寫的不錯


這本書齣版的名字叫R for everyone.名字挺大眾,內容還是比較豐富的。類似 R in NUTSHELL

R for Everyone 在線電子書 著者簡介

R for Everyone 在線電子書 著者簡介

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R for Everyone 在線電子書 圖書描述

Using the free, open source R language, scientists, financial analysts, public policy professionals and programmers can build powerful statistical models capable of answering many of their most challenging questions. But, for non-statisticians, R can be difficult to learn - and most books on the subject assume far too much knowledge to help them. R for Non-Statisticians is the solution. Drawing on his extensive experience teaching new users through the NYC R User Group, professional statistician Jared Lander has written the perfect R tutorial for everyone who's new to statistical programming and modeling. Offering extensive hands-on practice and sample code, Lander covers all this and more: * Downloading, installing, and getting started with R * Navigating and mastering the R environment * Learning basic techniques, from control statements to data manipulation * Importing data from SAS, SPSS, Stata, web sites, or elsewhere * Performing essential statistical tests * Building, comparing, and diagnosing models * Developing your own R packages * Connecting with and learning from the global R user community By the time you're done, you won't just understand how to write R programs: you'll be ready to use R to tackle the statistical problems you care about most.

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R for Everyone 在線電子書 讀後感


适合初学者 “If you instead prefer to learn R via a written tutorial or book there is plenty of choice. There is the introduction to R manual by CRAN, as well as some very accessible books like Jared Lander’s R for Everyone or R in Action by Robert Kabaco...


适合初学者 “If you instead prefer to learn R via a written tutorial or book there is plenty of choice. There is the introduction to R manual by CRAN, as well as some very accessible books like Jared Lander’s R for Everyone or R in Action by Robert Kabaco...


适合初学者 “If you instead prefer to learn R via a written tutorial or book there is plenty of choice. There is the introduction to R manual by CRAN, as well as some very accessible books like Jared Lander’s R for Everyone or R in Action by Robert Kabaco...


适合初学者 “If you instead prefer to learn R via a written tutorial or book there is plenty of choice. There is the introduction to R manual by CRAN, as well as some very accessible books like Jared Lander’s R for Everyone or R in Action by Robert Kabaco...


适合初学者 “If you instead prefer to learn R via a written tutorial or book there is plenty of choice. There is the introduction to R manual by CRAN, as well as some very accessible books like Jared Lander’s R for Everyone or R in Action by Robert Kabaco...

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