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The Sword of Honour Trilogy

Evelyn Waugh 作者
Everyman's Library
1994-5-10 出版日期
760 頁數
USD 27.00 價格
9780679431367 圖書編碼

The Sword of Honour Trilogy 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 貴族  英語  英文原版  英國文學  Literature  Humour  Evelyn_Waugh   

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The Sword of Honour Trilogy 在線電子書 用戶評價


Made a lot more sense of the days during WWII. "Quantitative judgements don't apply. If only one soul was saved that is full compensation for any amount of loss of 'face'." 【BBC Radio 4 Classic Serial 2013/2016 【50 anniversary


Made a lot more sense of the days during WWII. "Quantitative judgements don't apply. If only one soul was saved that is full compensation for any amount of loss of 'face'." 【BBC Radio 4 Classic Serial 2013/2016 【50 anniversary


Made a lot more sense of the days during WWII. "Quantitative judgements don't apply. If only one soul was saved that is full compensation for any amount of loss of 'face'." 【BBC Radio 4 Classic Serial 2013/2016 【50 anniversary


Made a lot more sense of the days during WWII. "Quantitative judgements don't apply. If only one soul was saved that is full compensation for any amount of loss of 'face'." 【BBC Radio 4 Classic Serial 2013/2016 【50 anniversary


Made a lot more sense of the days during WWII. "Quantitative judgements don't apply. If only one soul was saved that is full compensation for any amount of loss of 'face'." 【BBC Radio 4 Classic Serial 2013/2016 【50 anniversary

The Sword of Honour Trilogy 在線電子書 著者簡介

伊夫林·沃(1903—1966) 被公認為二十世紀英國最重要的小說傢之一。齣生於倫敦一個中産階級傢庭,父親是英國一傢齣版公司的高級編輯,哥哥也是一位稍有名氣的小說傢。年輕時曾在牛津大學一所學院讀曆史,後自動輟學,過瞭幾年漂泊流浪的生活,當過記者、小學教員,以小說《衰亡》(1928)一舉成名。1928年與伊夫琳·加德納結婚,次年離婚。1937年與比他年輕十二歲的勞拉·赫伯特結婚,生有四子二女,其長子和次女也是小說傢。伊夫林·沃共齣版小說十四部,最著名的是寫於二戰期間、追憶往昔大學生活的浪漫小說《舊地重遊》,這部小說曾被拍成電影和電視連續劇。但批評傢普遍認為其小說藝術成就最高的是描寫英軍在二戰期間作戰情況的《榮譽之劍》三部麯。此外他還齣版遊記八部,傳記三部,自傳一部,中短篇小說多篇,並寫有大量政論和隨筆。

The Sword of Honour Trilogy 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Sword of Honour Trilogy 在線電子書 圖書描述

(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)

This trilogy of novels about World War II, largely based on his own experiences as an army officer, is the crowning achievement of Evelyn Waugh’s career. Its central character is Guy Crouchback, head of an ancient but decayed Catholic family, who at first discovers new purpose in the challenge to defend Christian values against Nazi barbarism, but then gradually finds the complexities and cruelties of war too much for him. Yet, though often somber, the Sword of Honour trilogy is also a brilliant comedy, peopled by the fantastic figures so familiar from Waugh’s early satires. The deepest pleasures these novels afford come from observing a great satiric writer employ his gifts with extraordinary subtlety, delicacy, and human feeling, for purposes that are ultimately anything but satiric.

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