Hormones, Brain and Behavior, Five-Volume Set 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Hormones, Brain and Behavior, Five-Volume Set

Pfaff, Donald W. (EDT)/ Arnold, Arthur P. (EDT)/ Etgen, Anne M. (EDT)/ Fahrbach, Susan E. (EDT)/ Rub 作者
Academic Press
2002-06-24 出版日期
4393 頁數
USD 999.95 價格
9780125321044 圖書編碼

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Hormones, Brain and Behavior, Five-Volume Set 在線電子書 圖書描述

"Hormones, Brain, and Behavior" is a comprehensive work discussing the effect of hormones on the brain and, subsequently, behavior. This five-volume major reference work has 106 chapters covering a broad range of topics with an extensive discussion of the effects of hormones on insects, fish, amphibians, birds, rodents, and humans. To truly understand all aspects of our behavior, we must take every influence (including the hormonal influences) into consideration. Donald Pfaff and a number of well-qualified editors examine and discuss how we are influenced by hormonal factors, offering insight, and information on the lives of a variety of species. "Hormones, Brain, and Behavior" offers the reader comprehensive coverage of an emerging and prominent field with a state-of-the-art overview of hormonally-mediated behaviors. The set provides unique treatment of all major vertebrate and invertebrate model systems with excellent opportunities for relating behavior to molecular genetics. The topics cover an unusual breadth (from molecules to ecophysiology), ranging from basic science to clinical research, making this reference of interest to a broad range of scientists in a variety of fields. Key features include: contributors from 16 different countries and more than 70 institutions; unlike any other hormone reference on the market Hormones, "Brain and Behavior" addresses hormone effects in all major vertebrate and non-vertebrate models; a timely, current reference on an emerging field with each chapter providing an in-depth exploration of the topic; discusses molecular aspects of hormone function, systems, development, and hormone-related diseases; and addresses hormone effects in both the developing and adult nervous system. Topics include: Mammalian and Non-mammalian Hormone-behavior Systems; Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Hormone Actions on Behavior; Development of Hormone-dependent Neuronal Systems; and Hormone/Behavior Relations of Clinical Importance.

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