China from Empire to Nation-State 在线电子书 图书标签: 汪晖 思想史 政治史 国内中国研究 NewBooksNetwork 新书记 历史 中国
China from Empire to Nation-State 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Wang Hui is Professor of Literature and History at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
This translation of the introduction to Wang Hui’s Rise of Modern Chinese Thought (2004) makes part of his four-volume masterwork available to English readers for the first time. A leading public intellectual in China, Wang charts the historical currents that have shaped Chinese modernity from the Song Dynasty to the present day, and along the way challenges the West to rethink some of its most basic assumptions about what it means to be modern.
China from Empire to Nation-State exposes oversimplifications and distortions implicit in Western critiques of Chinese history, which long held that China was culturally resistant to modernization, only able to join the community of modern nations when the Qing Empire finally collapsed in 1912. Noting that Western ideas have failed to take into account the diversity of Chinese experience, Wang recovers important strains of premodern thought. Chinese thinkers theorized politics in ways that do not line up neatly with political thought in the West—for example, the notion of a “Heavenly Principle” that governed everything from the ordering of the cosmos to the structure of society and rationality itself. Often dismissed as evidence of imperial China’s irredeemably backward culture, many Neo-Confucian concepts reemerged in twentieth-century Chinese political discourse, as thinkers and activists from across the ideological spectrum appealed to ancient precedents and principles in support of their political and cultural agendas. Wang thus enables us to see how many aspects of premodern thought contributed to a distinctly Chinese vision of modernity.
拖沓地读完了汪晖的一系列著作,读毕之时,拿出也是大概去年的这个时候读《反抗绝望》所作的笔记,加在一起,不下三十多页。不免伤怀,除了这些落在纸张上的生硬的汉字,他的思想理解了多少?知识有多少长进?恍然乎,空空如也乎。 这两个词——“视野”与“语境”——就是从...
评分从2010年初开始,媒体上有关于清华大学教授汪晖是否剽窃的热烈讨论。南京大学教授王彬彬先指责汪的《反抗绝望》剽窃,后又指责其《现代中国思想的兴起》(三联书店2004年版)剽窃。但是,汪晖的支持者否认这种指责,而汪本人也在沉默数月后表态,为自己作辩护。 《兴起》四大册...
评分原载《中国书评》第四辑 “在每一个时代,我们都要付出新的努力,以在随波逐流的势力将要吞没传统之时,将其拯救出来。”[1] 大约15年前,中国知识界陷入了一场有关中国前景、过去及其现代困境之间复杂关系的激烈争论之中,正是在这个语境之下,汪晖便作为中国最有挑战性、最富...
China from Empire to Nation-State 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025