Adultery 在线电子书 图书标签: PauloCoelho 英文原版 保罗・科埃略 保罗·柯艾略 Fiction 非童书 巴西 小说
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评分本着寻找The Alchemist的初衷去上海外文大厦,但是最终只找到这本。没想到这本书的真实描述,促使我在一天时间便看完了。初看第一章以为又是Lars Von Trier那种隔靴搔痒般的女性探索,但作者在以女性为第一人称来赘述中所透露出的唠叨与迷茫,恰恰戳中了大多数当代女性的痛点。Linda游离于危险边缘与静好人生,最后老公十年如一的爱让她缴械投降。本书用了一个吸睛的通奸主题,性爱描述却寥寥无几。与The Scarlett Letter的矫枉过正不同,它讲的是一名身患抑郁症,被世界隔离的女人如何共情。书中后几章里有一句话我觉得写的很贴切,大意是: 如果我丈夫在这一切后还爱着我,那我并不是一文不值,我值得他对我的爱。在问题来临之时,切记别为了寻找刺激而迷失自我,要庆幸还有人爱着你。
评分好大一坨屎。 旅途中无聊买的,看得想骂人。可气的是飞到另一大洲,换了语言,但畅销榜上还是他。回国没算每见中文版,我很安慰。
评分非常juicy的书名,其实探讨的还是老一套:人生寂寞空虚的深井;还有爱与性的dualism(正所谓boredom is fine in love but fatal in lust)。故事么整个就是养尊处优的美美中年玛丽苏和爱人同床异梦继而红杏出墙的故事。虽然复杂的心理是写的很棒啦,但是姐还是给三星!因为太婊了啦整件事
Paulo Coelho is an international phenomenon. He has sold more than 150 million copies worldwide and is the most translated living author. He has won 115 international prizes and awards and in 2007 was named a United Nations Messenger of Peace. In searching for his own place in the world, he discovered answers for the challenges that everyone faces and, in writing THE ALCHEMIST, he succeeded in the ambition he'd nurtured since he was an adolescent: to become a writer, who is read and respected throughout the world. Paulo Coelho believes that within ourselves we all have the necessary strength to find our own destiny and his writing has helped millions to fulfil their own 'personal legend'.
This is the thought-provoking new novel from the international bestselling author whose words change lives. This is Linda's story. She's lucky. She knows that. It's what makes being unhappy even worse. Her friends advise taking medication. But Linda wants to feel more, not less. A meeting with a politician, and ex-boyfriend, reawakens a side of her that she - respectable wife, devoted mother and ambitious journalist - thought had disappeared. She embarks on a relationship that is addictive, dangerous and undeniably exciting. But the consequences are far-reaching ...Provocative and profound, ADULTERY is about discovering passion in the life you live and learning what it means to be free.
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