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Address Unknown

Kathrine Kressmann Taylor 作者
Washington Square Press
2001-4-1 出版日期
64 頁數
USD 9.99 價格
9780743412711 圖書編碼

Address Unknown 在線電子書 圖書標籤: English  小說  fiction    英文原版  文藝  KatherineKressmannTaylor  Fiction   

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Address Unknown 在線電子書 用戶評價


1938年一位女性作者用男人名字發錶,可惜當時並沒有引起很大關注。強推。內容就不介紹瞭;篇幅極短,少刷會兒票圈就讀完瞭。可下電子版,有中譯本,BBC有有聲書,還有stage play。






1938年一位女性作者用男人名字發錶,可惜當時並沒有引起很大關注。強推。內容就不介紹瞭;篇幅極短,少刷會兒票圈就讀完瞭。可下電子版,有中譯本,BBC有有聲書,還有stage play。



Address Unknown 在線電子書 著者簡介

凱瑟琳•剋萊斯曼•泰勒(Kathrine Kressmann Taylor, 1903—1996)


Address Unknown 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Address Unknown 在線電子書 圖書描述

Address Unknown (1938)

(The title is actually a mistranslation of the term "Adressat unbekannt," which is marked on the last envelope. The correct translation of "Adressat" is "addressee," not "address"; which is much more in keeping with the plot of the story.) It is the story of two German friends and business partners, art dealers in San Francisco. Martin, a gentile, returns with his family to Germany, exhilarated by the advances in the old country since the humiliation of the Great War. The Jewish partner, Max, remains in the States to keep the business going. The story is told entirely in letters between them, from 1932 to 1934, the technique used in 84 Charing Cross Road.

Martin writes about the wonderful Third Reich and this fellow Hitler. At first Max is covetous: "How I envy you! ... You go to a democratic Germany, a land with a deep culture and the beginnings of a fine political freedom."

But Max soon doubts his friend’s enthusiasm, having heard from eyewitnesses who got out of Berlin that Jews were being beaten and their businesses boycotted. Martin responds, telling Max that, while they may be good friends, everybody knows that Jews have been the universal scapegoats, and "a few must suffer for the millions to be saved."

"This Jew trouble is only an incident," Martin says. "Something bigger is happening." Nonetheless, he asks Max to stop writing to him. If a letter were intercepted, he (Martin) would lose his official position and he and his family would be endangered.

Max writes anyhow when his own sister, an actress in Berlin, goes missing. He becomes frantic to learn her fate. Martin responds on bank stationery (less likely to be inspected) and tells Max his sister is dead. He admits that he turned Griselle away when she came to him, her brother’s dearest friend, for sanctuary.

There is a gap of about a month. After that, Max starts writing letters to Martin at home, carrying only what looks like business and remarks about the weather, but written as though they have a hidden encoded meaning, with strange references to exact dimensions of pictures and so on. The letters refer to "our grandmother" and imply that Martin is also Jewish. The letters from Munich to San Francisco get shorter and more panicky, begging Max to stop: "My God, Max, do you know what you do? ... These letters you have sent ... are not delivered, but they bring me in and ... demand I give them the code ... I beg you, Max, no more, no more! Stop while I can be saved."

But Max continues: "Prepare these for distribution by March 24th: Rubens 12 by 77, blue; Giotto 1 by 317, green and white; Poussin 20 by 90, red and white."

At last a letter is returned to Max, stamped: Adressat unbekannt. Addressee Unknown.

The book’s "Afterword," lovingly written by Mrs. Taylor’s son, says that the idea for her story came from a small news article: American students in Germany wrote home with the truth about the Nazi atrocities, a truth most Americans, including Charles Lindbergh, would not accept. Fraternity brothers thought it would be funny to send them letters making fun of Hitler, and they wrote back, "Stop it. We’re in danger. These people don’t fool around. You could murder [someone] by writing letters to him." Thus emerged the idea of "letter as weapon" or "murder by mail."

Address Unknown was performed as a stage play in France, 2001, in Israel from 2002 (still running) and at the Promenade Theater, New York, 2004. It has also been performed in Germany, Italy, Turkey,Argentina, South Africa and in various cities of the USA.

Address Unknown (Cimzett Ismeretlen) premieres on the stage of Spinoza Haz in Budapest, Hungary on September 6, 2008.

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Address Unknown 在線電子書 讀後感


搬家的时候清理旧物,翻出了小学到初中的信件与贺卡。信封微黄,贺卡褪色,写信人已杳无音讯,收件人已物是人非。只是重读的时候便在感慨,曾经单纯而真挚的你我何时才能重现? 寄过信件的我们知晓,当收件人错误或者无法联系时,便会退回然后写上“查无此人”之类的 话语。时...  


故事很短,但沉重得让人窒息,真实得让人落泪。 只是几封短短的通信,但却能让人从中看出玄机,看出一身冷汗。 一波三折,马丁和麦克斯都发生了改变。马丁被纳粹洗脑,被生活逼迫到冷血无情;麦克斯因格里塞尔的死激发出内心最恐怖的恶魔,变成了他最反对的施暴的样子。两次...  




短短40分钟,认真读完。 当翻到“查无此人“页面时。 犹如一扇厚厚的铁门!哐当!关上了所有未来。 不得不仔细再次推敲一封封书信,闭上眼设身处地地幻想,惶恐、绝望、渴求……纸上依稀浮现。 真实的书信,黑色的邮戳,如此真实的反应,对二位主人公的心里变化确实感到震撼,...  


生在和平年代真心是祖国给我最好的礼物,这是我看完这本书当即最大的感受,薄薄的一本,看完还用不到一个小时,但是合上书之后却带给了我久久的震撼。 书中两次查无此人完美诠释了在大灾大难面前人性是多么经不起考验,无论是曾经的爱情还是现在的友情,在生命受到威胁的时候都...  

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