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The Idiot

Elif Batuman 作者
Penguin Press
2017-3-14 出版日期
432 頁數
USD 27.00 價格
9781594205613 圖書編碼

The Idiot 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 文學  女性  美國  小說  美國文學  大學生  英文原版  Harvard   

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The Idiot 在線電子書 用戶評價




Language is the greatest firewall.


我喜歡Selin 也喜歡Ivan 但Selin和Ivan都不斷地讓我想起一個人 Selin好像一直處在低落的情緒狀態裏 而Ivan則是對什麼都無所謂的樣子 我喜歡他們的email往來 像自說自話又像一個人的想法未經任何麯解抵達瞭另一個人的心裏 可能就是這種奇怪的chillness讓我在不斷地想要放棄中又繼續瞭下去 但今晚我真的太悲傷瞭 我決定不要再繼續看下去瞭 因為我早就決定再也不要想起那個人瞭 也可能 是這本書提醒瞭我有些情緒我真的無法再次承受


我喜歡Selin 也喜歡Ivan 但Selin和Ivan都不斷地讓我想起一個人 Selin好像一直處在低落的情緒狀態裏 而Ivan則是對什麼都無所謂的樣子 我喜歡他們的email往來 像自說自話又像一個人的想法未經任何麯解抵達瞭另一個人的心裏 可能就是這種奇怪的chillness讓我在不斷地想要放棄中又繼續瞭下去 但今晚我真的太悲傷瞭 我決定不要再繼續看下去瞭 因為我早就決定再也不要想起那個人瞭 也可能 是這本書提醒瞭我有些情緒我真的無法再次承受



The Idiot 在線電子書 著者簡介

Elif Batuman has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 2010. She is the author of The Possessed: Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them. The recipient of a Whiting Writers' Award, a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award, and a Paris Review Terry Southern Prize for Humor, she also holds a PhD in comparative literature from Stanford University. The Idiot is her first novel. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.

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The Idiot 在線電子書 圖書描述

A portrait of the artist as a young woman. A novel about not just discovering but inventing oneself.

The year is 1995, and email is new. Selin, the daughter of Turkish immigrants, arrives for her freshman year at Harvard. She signs up for classes in subjects she has never heard of, befriends her charismatic and worldly Serbian classmate, Svetlana, and, almost by accident, begins corresponding with Ivan, an older mathematics student from Hungary. Selin may have barely spoken to Ivan, but with each email they exchange, the act of writing seems to take on new and increasingly mysterious meanings.

At the end of the school year, Ivan goes to Budapest for the summer, and Selin heads to the Hungarian countryside, to teach English in a program run by one of Ivan's friends. On the way, she spends two weeks visiting Paris with Svetlana. Selin's summer in Europe does not resonate with anything she has previously heard about the typical experiences of American college students, or indeed of any other kinds of people. For Selin, this is a journey further inside herself: a coming to grips with the ineffable and exhilarating confusion of first love, and with the growing consciousness that she is doomed to become a writer.

With superlative emotional and intellectual sensitivity, mordant wit, and pitch-perfect style, Batuman dramatizes the uncertainty of life on the cusp of adulthood. Her prose is a rare and inimitable combination of tenderness and wisdom; its logic as natural and inscrutable as that of memory itself. The Idiot is a heroic yet self-effacing reckoning with the terror and joy of becoming a person in a world that is as intoxicating as it is disquieting. Batuman's fiction is unguarded against both life's affronts and its beauty--and has at its command the complete range of thinking and feeling which they entail.

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The Idiot 在線電子書 讀後感


It kind of fell down when I went to the end, about Sonya’s journey in the Hungarian countryside. Nevertheless, it’s still a refreshing novel, and you hardly get tired of it. Some of Sonya’s feelings towards Ivan struck me with great resemblance. She seem...


故事梗概非常简单:90年代,一位18岁刚入学的哈佛新生,断断续续写日记般记录她的大一生活,在平淡无奇的日子里思考文字语言的艺术性,真实生活,和爱。 如书的标题,主人公Selin觉得自己是傻子的原因来自她一直的迷惘:到底什么是真实?文字语言里包含的更深层次的思考,不同...  


I said bye first, to be brave. I still thought bravery would be somehow rewarded." 一本完全没有想到自己会喜欢的书:絮絮叨叨,自传色彩明显,设定在Harvard——然而却一再从中看到一些逝去的片段,简直让人羞赧。 看完之后才意识到,其实阅读过程中一直在悬心期待一个ha...  


It kind of fell down when I went to the end, about Sonya’s journey in the Hungarian countryside. Nevertheless, it’s still a refreshing novel, and you hardly get tired of it. Some of Sonya’s feelings towards Ivan struck me with great resemblance. She seem...


I said bye first, to be brave. I still thought bravery would be somehow rewarded." 一本完全没有想到自己会喜欢的书:絮絮叨叨,自传色彩明显,设定在Harvard——然而却一再从中看到一些逝去的片段,简直让人羞赧。 看完之后才意识到,其实阅读过程中一直在悬心期待一个ha...  

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