Law as a Means to an End 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025

Law as a Means to an End

Brian Z. Tamanaha 作者
Cambridge University Press
2006-10-2 出版日期
268 页数
GBP 72.00 价格
9780521869522 图书编码

Law as a Means to an End 在线电子书 图书标签: legal  法理学  法理  法律工具主义  法律  法学  法哲学  塔马纳哈   

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法律工具主义,即以法律作为实现目的的工具——法律仅仅被认为是实现个人目的或政策效果的手段。塔玛纳哈一面展示法律工具主义如何攻城略地,另一面阐述法律工具主义对法治的伤害。 19世纪以降,实用主义、形式主义与法律现实主义渐次进入美国法的主流思潮,传统的非工具主义法学思想被清算与摒弃,法律之上的共同社会目标成为可疑的幻像。与之相伴生的是整体性的法律工具主义——法律是一门生意,是达致个人或社会目标的有效工具:律师是为金钱而劳碌的委托人之仆从、法官是意识形态角力的运动员、法院尤其是最高法院是社会变迁的发动机。工具主义是法学院课堂里最普遍的信仰,并经由学术训练实现意识形态再生产,蔓生至法律经济分析、批评法学、法律社运研究等领域——法上之法陨落、公共善一地鸡毛、合法性被悬置:服膺规则与目标导向终不能两全。




法律工具主义,即以法律作为实现目的的工具——法律仅仅被认为是实现个人目的或政策效果的手段。塔玛纳哈一面展示法律工具主义如何攻城略地,另一面阐述法律工具主义对法治的伤害。 19世纪以降,实用主义、形式主义与法律现实主义渐次进入美国法的主流思潮,传统的非工具主义法学思想被清算与摒弃,法律之上的共同社会目标成为可疑的幻像。与之相伴生的是整体性的法律工具主义——法律是一门生意,是达致个人或社会目标的有效工具:律师是为金钱而劳碌的委托人之仆从、法官是意识形态角力的运动员、法院尤其是最高法院是社会变迁的发动机。工具主义是法学院课堂里最普遍的信仰,并经由学术训练实现意识形态再生产,蔓生至法律经济分析、批评法学、法律社运研究等领域——法上之法陨落、公共善一地鸡毛、合法性被悬置:服膺规则与目标导向终不能两全。


足够系统的论证了米国两百多年来走向工具主义法律观的进程(虽然总觉得和塔氏其他著作一样有刻意剪裁的痕迹),并指出后果是all against all within and through law.



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Law as a Means to an End 在线电子书 图书描述

The contemporary U.S. legal culture is marked by ubiquitous battles among various groups attempting to seize control of the law and wield it against others in pursuit of their particular agenda. This battle takes place in administrative, legislative, and judicial arenas at both the state and federal levels. This book identifies the underlying source of these battles in the spread of the instrumental view of law - the idea that law is purely a means to an end - in a context of sharp disagreement over the social good. It traces the rise of the instrumental view of law in the course of the past two centuries, then demonstrates the pervasiveness of this view of law and its implications within the contemporary legal culture, and ends by showing the various ways in which seeing law in purely instrumental terms threatens to corrode the rule of law.

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Law as a Means to an End 在线电子书 读后感


In the Law as a Means to an End, professor Brian Tamanaha discusses the relationship between the formal rule of law and instrumentalism in law in America. From his perspective, the formal rule of law and an instrumental approach are complementary in the lev...


In the Law as a Means to an End, professor Brian Tamanaha discusses the relationship between the formal rule of law and instrumentalism in law in America. From his perspective, the formal rule of law and an instrumental approach are complementary in the lev...


In the Law as a Means to an End, professor Brian Tamanaha discusses the relationship between the formal rule of law and instrumentalism in law in America. From his perspective, the formal rule of law and an instrumental approach are complementary in the lev...


In the Law as a Means to an End, professor Brian Tamanaha discusses the relationship between the formal rule of law and instrumentalism in law in America. From his perspective, the formal rule of law and an instrumental approach are complementary in the lev...


In the Law as a Means to an End, professor Brian Tamanaha discusses the relationship between the formal rule of law and instrumentalism in law in America. From his perspective, the formal rule of law and an instrumental approach are complementary in the lev...

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