Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Letters to a Young Therapist

Pipher, Mary 作者
Perseus Books Group
2005-4 出版日期
208 頁數
118.00元 價格
9780465057672 圖書編碼

Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學  心理谘詢  心理谘詢與治療  心理  谘詢   

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Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 用戶評價


我看的是revised version. 作者的文筆真的很好很好。


@ 逸(Brenda),如果可能,可以看下這本小冊子,它揭開瞭心理谘詢師的麵紗,從點點滴滴還原一個心理谘詢師本來麵貌;不過我覺得慢慢讀會比較好,我一開始看得太快,頓時到後麵有些疲瞭,也沒有感覺瞭。但有些還是很值得迴味得。


我看的是revised version. 作者的文筆真的很好很好。


@ 逸(Brenda),如果可能,可以看下這本小冊子,它揭開瞭心理谘詢師的麵紗,從點點滴滴還原一個心理谘詢師本來麵貌;不過我覺得慢慢讀會比較好,我一開始看得太快,頓時到後麵有些疲瞭,也沒有感覺瞭。但有些還是很值得迴味得。



Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 著者簡介

瑪麗·皮弗(Mary Pipher),美國著名心理學傢和作傢,從事臨床心理谘詢與治療三十餘年。她齣版瞭數部著作,其中《拯救奧菲利婭》(Reviving ophelia)高踞《紐約時報》的暢銷書排行榜154周,並被譯成19種語言,暢銷全球。

Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 圖書描述

Intimate and inspiring lessons from beloved author and therapist Mary Pipher Mary Pipher's groundbreaking investigation of America's "girl-poisoning culture," Reviving Ophelia , has sold nearly two million copies and established its author as one of the nation's foremost authorities on family issues. In Letters to a Young Therapist , Dr. Pipher shares what she has learned in thirty years as a therapist, helping warring families, alienated adolescents, and harried professionals restore peace and beauty to their lives. Letters to a Young Therapist gives voice to her practice with an exhilarating mix of storytelling and sharp-eyed observation. And while her letters are addressed to an imagined young therapist, every one of us can take something away from them. Long before "positive psychology" became a buzzword, Dr. Pipher practiced a refreshingly inventive therapy--fiercely optimistic, free of dogma or psychobabble, and laced with generous warmth and practical common sense. But not until now has this gifted healer described her unique perspective on how therapy can help us revitalize our emotional landscape in an increasingly stressful world. Whether she's recommending daily swims for a sluggish teenager, encouraging a timid husband to become bolder, or simply bearing witness to a bereaved parent's sorrow, Dr. Pipher's compassion and insight shine from every page of this thoughtful and engaging book.

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Letters to a Young Therapist 在線電子書 讀後感






作为一名普通人,为了解决生活和工作中的问题而研究心理学,这本书给了我很多思考。其实心理咨询并不局限于一种赚钱的工作,也可以用于分析自己和自己的家人,用于家庭自我治疗。 一些深有感触的摘录如下: 1. 我们深陷这样一种文化让我们否定自身对他人、环境和下一代的影响...


作为一名普通人,为了解决生活和工作中的问题而研究心理学,这本书给了我很多思考。其实心理咨询并不局限于一种赚钱的工作,也可以用于分析自己和自己的家人,用于家庭自我治疗。 一些深有感触的摘录如下: 1. 我们深陷这样一种文化让我们否定自身对他人、环境和下一代的影响...



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