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Theories of Truth

Kirkham, Richard L. 作者
Mit Pr
1995-3 出版日期
416 頁數
$ 42.94 價格
9780262611084 圖書編碼

Theories of Truth 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 哲學  分析哲學  Philosophia  Linguistica  陳嘉明  達米特  語義真理觀  認識論   

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印象深的是:一二章,不同問題分野的澄清、justification對metaphysical的要求;第五章對塔斯基的解讀(其實窩佬在這方麵,本來現在也隻對他相關感興趣叻,而且還是書裏麵所謂比較堅持模型論方嚮的;第九章講剋裏普客對liar paradox的處理亦不錯,有空得找他佬原文看看;戴維森的意義理論前半部分還好,後麵的包括和達米特的就真的不熟叻;然後最後一章的冗餘和緊縮論,感覺在其他相關方麵還有可挖的東西(特彆比如在內涵邏輯方麵(但是最後的MT又是什麼鬼?)其他:經典的符閤論,對融貫論以及實用主義的批評,具體justification的展開,是一點興趣都沒有。


p38“in addition to those listed below”可能因為排版的問題,或應為“above” p123“…world independent of mind 後或應加一個句點


這本書相當好,特彆是Tarski,Davidson and Dummett,說謊者悖論幾章。而且開篇就把真理論按照metaphysical,justificational,language meaning project分類,很清楚。不過最大的遺憾是deflationism太略。


印象深的是:一二章,不同問題分野的澄清、justification對metaphysical的要求;第五章對塔斯基的解讀(其實窩佬在這方麵,本來現在也隻對他相關感興趣叻,而且還是書裏麵所謂比較堅持模型論方嚮的;第九章講剋裏普客對liar paradox的處理亦不錯,有空得找他佬原文看看;戴維森的意義理論前半部分還好,後麵的包括和達米特的就真的不熟叻;然後最後一章的冗餘和緊縮論,感覺在其他相關方麵還有可挖的東西(特彆比如在內涵邏輯方麵(但是最後的MT又是什麼鬼?)其他:經典的符閤論,對融貫論以及實用主義的批評,具體justification的展開,是一點興趣都沒有。

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Theories of Truth 在線電子書 圖書描述

Theories of Truth provides a clear, critical introduction to one of the most difficult areas of philosophy. It surveys all of the major philosophical theories of truth, presenting the crux of the issues involved at a level accessible to nonexperts yet in a manner sufficiently detailed and original to be of value to professional scholars. Kirkham's systematic treatment and meticulous explanations of terminology ensure that readers will come away from this book with a comprehensive general understanding of one of philosophy's thorniest set of topics.Included are discussions of the correspondence, coherence, pragmatic, semantic, performative, redundancy, appraisal, and truth-as-justification theories. There are also chapters or sections of chapters on the liar paradox, three-valued logic, Field's critique of Tarski, Davidson's program, Dummett's theory of linguistic competence, satisfaction, recursion, the extension/intension distinction, and an explanation of how theories of justification, properly understood, differ from theories of truth.A persistent theme is that philosophers have too often failed to recognize that not all theories of truth are intended to answer the same question. When the various questions are made distinct, it is apparent that many of the "debates" in this field are really cases of philosophers talking past one another. There is much less disagreement within the field than has commonly been thought.Richard L. Kirkham is Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma.

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Theories of Truth 在線電子書 讀後感


(其实,只看了第一章 1. Projects of theories of truth 1.1 Four-Dimensional Confusion 应该avoid the fallacy of criticizing a theory for not accomplishing what it was not intended to accomplish in the first place. 但是Very few writers on truth show any awaren...


(其实,只看了第一章 1. Projects of theories of truth 1.1 Four-Dimensional Confusion 应该avoid the fallacy of criticizing a theory for not accomplishing what it was not intended to accomplish in the first place. 但是Very few writers on truth show any awaren...


(其实,只看了第一章 1. Projects of theories of truth 1.1 Four-Dimensional Confusion 应该avoid the fallacy of criticizing a theory for not accomplishing what it was not intended to accomplish in the first place. 但是Very few writers on truth show any awaren...


(其实,只看了第一章 1. Projects of theories of truth 1.1 Four-Dimensional Confusion 应该avoid the fallacy of criticizing a theory for not accomplishing what it was not intended to accomplish in the first place. 但是Very few writers on truth show any awaren...


(其实,只看了第一章 1. Projects of theories of truth 1.1 Four-Dimensional Confusion 应该avoid the fallacy of criticizing a theory for not accomplishing what it was not intended to accomplish in the first place. 但是Very few writers on truth show any awaren...

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