Biocapital 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025


Kaushik Sunder Rajan 作者
Duke University Press Books
2006-4-24 出版日期
343 頁數
USD 99.95 價格
9780822337089 圖書編碼

Biocapital 在線電子書 圖書標籤: biocapital  人類學/文化  studies  ethnography  bio-tech-co.  S&T  Ethnography   

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Biocapital 在線電子書 用戶評價


主要的論證the coproduction of the life sciences with political economic regimes. 通過近年來美國和印度新藥研發來看生命科學的發展及配套的經濟政治環境(資本和法律)間的相互作用。導言有將近40頁,有些重復,可以再精簡10頁。


主要的論證the coproduction of the life sciences with political economic regimes. 通過近年來美國和印度新藥研發來看生命科學的發展及配套的經濟政治環境(資本和法律)間的相互作用。導言有將近40頁,有些重復,可以再精簡10頁。


主要的論證the coproduction of the life sciences with political economic regimes. 通過近年來美國和印度新藥研發來看生命科學的發展及配套的經濟政治環境(資本和法律)間的相互作用。導言有將近40頁,有些重復,可以再精簡10頁。


個人感覺讀到的biotechnology相關最好的一本書,至少不是機械地重復講過的故事和嘶啞地控訴違背倫理瞭。用福柯來讀馬剋思,將資本的內在邏輯和生命控製聯係在一起,最重要的是將這些問詢放在瞭國際地緣政治之中,分析美國生科企業和印度國傢政府的客商關係,對比瞭美國這個成熟的資本市場中生科創業企業的宗教/彌賽亞般的驅動力和印度語境下(gift society)生科産業與民族主義復雜的關係。因為講到的話題太多有時候覺得有些不知所措,對於生科創業企業的民族誌和創業者語言的解析對我最為遊泳。小處著眼大處著手,每一層都有有益的論述,但是因為論述的範圍很廣所以有些時候略微有些迷失。


主要的論證the coproduction of the life sciences with political economic regimes. 通過近年來美國和印度新藥研發來看生命科學的發展及配套的經濟政治環境(資本和法律)間的相互作用。導言有將近40頁,有些重復,可以再精簡10頁。

Biocapital 在線電子書 著者簡介

Kaushik Sunder Rajan is Professor of Anthropology and Co-director of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory at the University of Chicago. His work engages social theories of capitalism, science, technology studies, and postcolonial studies, holding a special interest in the global political economy of biomedicine, with a comparative focus on the United States and India. He has lectured and published widely in the United States and beyond. In his first major study, Biocapital: The Constitution of Postgenomic Life (2006), he examines genomics and post-genomic drug development marketplaces in the US and India. His most recent book, Pharmocracy: Value, Politics, and Knowledge in Global Biomedicine (2017), elucidates the political economy of global pharmaceuticals as seen from contemporary India.

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Biocapital 在線電子書 圖書描述

"Biocapital" is a major theoretical contribution to science studies and political economy. Grounding his analysis in a multi-sited ethnography of genomic research and drug development marketplaces in the United States and India, Kaushik Sunder Rajan argues that contemporary biotechnologies such as genomics can only be understood in relation to the economic markets within which they emerge. Sunder Rajan conducted fieldwork in biotechnology labs and in small start-up companies in the United States (mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area) and India (mainly in New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Bombay) over a five-year period from 1999 through 2004. He draws on his research with scientists, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and policymakers to compare drug development in the two countries, examining the practices and goals of research, the financing mechanisms, the relevant government regulations, and the hype and marketing surrounding promising new technologies. In the process, he illuminates the global flow of ideas, information, capital, and people connected to biotech initiatives. Sunder Rajan's ethnography informs his theoretically sophisticated inquiry into how the contemporary world is shaped by the marriage of biotechnology and market forces, by what he calls techno-scientific capitalism. Bringing Marxian theories of value into conversation with Foucaultian notions of biopolitics, he traces how the life sciences came to be significant producers of both economic and epistemic value in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first.

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