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The General in His Labyrinth

Gabriel Garcia Marquez 作者
Penguin Books Ltd
2014-3-6 出版日期
304 頁數
$10.33 價格
9780241968727 圖書編碼

The General in His Labyrinth 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Márquez  Marquez  García   

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The General in His Labyrinth 在線電子書 用戶評價


“October is reduced to the sound of rain.” Humidity was insufferable to the General as he was just skin and bones at the end of his life. He can be both honorable and scandalous. He was fiercely loved and vehemently hated by his people.


“October is reduced to the sound of rain.” Humidity was insufferable to the General as he was just skin and bones at the end of his life. He can be both honorable and scandalous. He was fiercely loved and vehemently hated by his people.


“October is reduced to the sound of rain.” Humidity was insufferable to the General as he was just skin and bones at the end of his life. He can be both honorable and scandalous. He was fiercely loved and vehemently hated by his people.


“October is reduced to the sound of rain.” Humidity was insufferable to the General as he was just skin and bones at the end of his life. He can be both honorable and scandalous. He was fiercely loved and vehemently hated by his people.


“October is reduced to the sound of rain.” Humidity was insufferable to the General as he was just skin and bones at the end of his life. He can be both honorable and scandalous. He was fiercely loved and vehemently hated by his people.

The General in His Labyrinth 在線電子書 著者簡介

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in Aracataca, Colombia, in 1927. He studied at the University of Botoga and later worked as a reporter for the Colombian newspaper El Espectador and as a foreign correspondent in Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Caracas and New York. He is the author of several novels and collections of stories, including Eyes of a Blue Dog (1947), Leaf Storm (1955), No One Writesto the Colonel (1958), In Evil Hour (1962), Big Mama's Funeral (1962), One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), Innocent Erendira and Other Stories (1972), The Autumn of the Patriarch (1975), Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981), Love in the Time of Cholera (1985), The General in His Labyrinth (1989), Strange Pilgrims (1992), Of Love and Other Demons (1994) and Memories of My Melancholy Whores (2005). Many of his books arepublished by Penguin. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. Gabriel Garcia Marquez died in 2014. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The General in His Labyrinth 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The General in His Labyrinth 在線電子書 圖書描述

General Simon Bolivar, “the Liberator” of five South American countries, takes a last melancholy journey down the Magdalena River, revisiting cities along its shores, and reliving the triumphs, passions, and betrayals of his life. Infinitely charming, prodigiously successful in love, war and politics, he still dances with such enthusiasm and skill that his witnesses cannot believe he is ill. Aflame with memories of the power that he commanded and the dream of continental unity that eluded him, he is a moving exemplar of how much can be won—and lost—in a life.

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The General in His Labyrinth 在線電子書 讀後感




玻利瓦尔将军的一生充满传奇色彩,奋战沙场、建功立业、死里逃生、人情缱绻。四十七年对一个领袖而言未免短暂,曾经叱诧风云的强健不复存在,他仿佛早早透支了剩余岁月,身心俱疲。拖着沉重的病体,仓皇人生最后的时刻重游故地,却像身入迷宫般的曲折彷徨。 马尔克斯用小说笔...  


我以越来越慢的速度读完了这本书,《迷宫中的将军》。 开始的阅读是很快的,第一天大约就读到了近二分之一,后来几天越读越慢,最后两章各用了一天来阅读。 缓慢的原因是因为我已预见到结束的来临,而我非常想推迟这结局的来临。一本书的结局或者一个人的人生结局。 这本书是马...  


玻利瓦尔在迷宫中的自述 我戎马一生,战功卓著,但从未自己摸过我的刀枪; 我是声名显赫的拉丁美洲解放者,街头巷角都写满了辱骂我的标语; 我所到之处,被礼炮,欢呼,钟声环抱,但我时时被虚伪和贪婪裹挟; 我每天要口授和执笔,但最亲密的仆人都说:将军的心思只有他自己知...  


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